Population Research ›› 2007, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (2): 81-90.

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Factors Affecting Identity of the Peasant Migrant Workers

Peng Yuanchun   

  1. chool of Politics and Law, Xinyang Normal College, Henanxinyang 464000
  • Online:2007-03-29 Published:2012-12-03
  • About author:Teacher, School of Politics and Law, Xinyang Normal College



  1. 河南信阳师范学院政法学院,河南信阳 464000
  • 作者简介:河南信阳师范学院政法学院教师

Abstract: Drawing on data from a questionnaire survey on 566 peasant migrant workers employed in catering in Central China’s Wuhan city, this paper examines the extent to which they are identified with "peasanthood" and the factors affecting this. The survey shows that more than thirty percent of the peasant migrant workers are equivocal on their identity. Multivariate analysis shows that significant factors influencing their identity include: attitude towards living in the city before migration, contact with the mass media, number of jobs done in the city, contentment with salary, the extent to which their families support their work in the city, and duration being engaged in agriculture production. The results confirm to the hypotheses that countryside memory and urban expectation and experience have independent and strong influence on identity of the peasant migrant workers.

Keywords: Peasant migrant workers, Identity, Countryside memory

摘要: 基于时空情境变化的背景,结合对武汉市杨园社区餐饮业农民工的566份调查问卷分析,从农民工主体角度探讨他们对农民这一强制性身份的认同程度及其影响因素。研究发现,较大比例的农民工对农民身份呈模糊认同的状态。在控制其他变量后,入城前居留意愿、大众传媒接触程度、在城从事职业数、月收入满意度、家庭支持外出务工程度、务农时间等6个变量最终影响着农民工身份认同。城市体验、进城期望、乡土记忆对农民工身份认同起着独自、不可替代的作用,且由大到小影响着农民工身份认同。

关键词: 农民工, 身份认同, 乡土记忆