Population Research ›› 2007, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 3-7.

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An Estimate of the Size of the Affected Population by Imbalanced Sex Ratios at Birth in China

Yuan Xin   

  1. Institute of Population and Development, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071
  • Online:2007-11-29 Published:2012-12-03



  1. 南开大学经济学院人口与发展研究所,天津 300071
  • 作者简介:南开大学经济学院人口与发展研究所教授、博士生导师

Abstract: China has had abnormally high sex ratios at birth (SRB) for a quarter of century. One of the consequences is the imbalance of population size between males and females, however, it is difficult to reach the exact number according to current available different statistical data sources. By indirect estimation, the size of male births in excess of female births during 1980 to 2006 are totaled 33.31 million, of which 18.46 millions are the result of normal SRB imbalance (SRB≤107) while the remaining 14.65 millions are the result of abnormal SRB imbalance (SRB>107). By the end of 2006, the size of males in excess of females is estimated to be 34.02 millions in the total survivors aged 0 to 26 (born in 1980 to 2006), of which 19.65 millions resulted from normal SRB imbalance and 14.37 millions from abnormal SRB imbalance.

Keywords: Sex ratio at birth, Affected population by SRB imbalance

摘要: 中国人口经历了长达1/4世纪的出生性别比偏高的过程,其结果是男女性人口数量的严重失衡。现有统计资料难以准确反映男女失衡的规模,间接估算,1980~2006年出生性别比偏高的出生队列累计,男性比女性"多出生"3331万人,其中"应该多出生"1846万人,"偏高多出生"1485万人;2006年0~26岁存活人口中,男性比女性多出3402万人,其中"应该多出"1965万人,"偏高多出"1437万人。

关键词: 出生性别比, 男女人口失衡