Population Research ›› 2014, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 90-97.

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Residence Points System: Another“Patch”of Household Registration Reform? Characteristics,Problems and Countermeasures of Shanghai Residence Points System

Xie Baofu   

  1. School of Public Administration,Beihang  University,Beijing
  • Online:2014-01-29 Published:2014-06-30
  • About author:Professor, School of Public Administration, Beihang University, Beijing



  1. 北京航空航天大学公共管理学院
  • 作者简介:北京航空航天大学公共管理学院教授
  • 基金资助:

    教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目( 编号: 10YJAZH094)

Abstract: While residence points system has advantages in redirecting from management by conditions to management by points,diversifying points standards which are dynamic controllable,stratifying public services,orientating towards capabilities and contributions,and emphasizing local interests,there are also disadvantages in,for example,ignoring service management for the low income floating population,using efficiency means to solve equity problem,diminishing the quality of key services,and having difficulties in preventing rent-seeking behavior through fraud. To improve the system,residence card is needed to replace residence permit,allowing floating population to use for all consumption purposes. Application standards need to be lowered and the scope of public services needs to be expanded. However,in the areas of public rental housing,children's education and some other key services,there should be reasonable threshold. Provide appropriate quotas to those floating population who don’t meet the points but are legally residing and employed,allowing them to enjoy the same treatment with qualified applicants. Emancipate the mind,seek truth from facts,and properly solve localization service issues for low-income floating population. Since household registration involves interests that affect the situation as a whole,improving the system will need system and mechanism innovation of the national macro-management.

Keywords: Residence Permit, Points System, Floating Population, Household Registration

摘要: 居住证积分制具有变条件管理为积分管理、积分标准多元化且动态可控、公共服务梯级化、突出能力和贡献导向、重视本地利益、促人向上等特点,但也存在忽视低收入流动人口服务管理、以效率手段解决公平问题、关键性服务可能虚化、难防造假寻租等不足。完善该制度,需改居住证为居住卡,使其成为流动人口消费“一卡通”,降低申办条件,扩大公共服务范围,但在公租房、子女教育等关键服务上应设立合理门槛; 拿出适当指标,分给积分未达标但合法居住及就业的流动人口,让其享受与积分达标者相同待遇; 解放思想,实事求是,妥善解决低收入流动人口属地化服务问题。由于户籍所含利益牵一发而动全身,所以完善该制度还需国家宏观管理体制机制创新相配套。

关键词: 居住证, 积分制, 流动人口, 户籍