Population Research ›› 2015, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (4): 66-.

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Heterogeneous Endowments, Integrated Preferences and the Housing Stability of Rural Migrants Workers

Wang Chunrui1,Yang Jianlan2,Liu Jiaqiang3   

  1. 1  Institute of Rural Economic Research, Hebei Academy of Social Science; 2 Population and Development Studies, Renmin University of China ;3 Center for Western China Economic Research, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
  • Online:2015-07-29 Published:2015-11-08
  • About author:1 Associate Researcher, Institute of Rural Economic Research, Hebei Academy of Social Science; 2 PhD Candidate, Center for Population and Development Studies, Renmin University of China ;3 Professor, Center for Western China Economic Research, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics



  1. 1 河北省社会科学院;2 中国人民大人口与发展研究中心; 3 西南财经大学中国西部经济研究中心
  • 作者简介:1 河北省社会科学院副研究员;2 中国人民大人口与发展研究中心博士研究生;3 西南财经大学中国西部经济研究中心教授、博士生导师
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: The urban living status of rural migrant workers reflects their behavior preference determined by their own, family and environmental endowment. Restricted by different endowments, the ways of living are diversified often coupled with non-stability status. Using large scale survey data, the article performs empirical analysis on urban migrant workers’ living status by the Ordered - Logit regression model. Results show that the rural workers’ living preferences are influenced by their occupation and income capability, the shelter - farmland constraint and the degree of urban social integration. Skilled employment and high income levels can significantly reduce the probability of amphibious flow of rural workers, and thus enhance the stability of their urban living. Migrating with families and having long-term transferred arable land can also significantly facilitate the stability of urban living. Effective measures need to be taken to enhance the ability of rural workers to settle in the cities, promoting rural workers’ citizenship by changing the " " type of rural-urban migration to the " " type of urban settlement.

Keywords: Rural Migrant Workers, Housing Stability, Endowment

摘要: 农民工的城市居住行为是能力禀赋、家庭禀赋、环境禀赋综合集成偏好支配下的外显反映,受不同禀赋条件的制约,其居住行为表现出状态的非稳定性和方式的多样性。文章利用较大规模代表性调查数据,采用Order-Logit回归模型,对农民工居住稳定性进行了分析。研究显示,农民工居住行为具有明显的职业—收入主导型偏好、城市住所—农村耕地约束型偏好,以及社会交往融合型偏好。技能型就业和高收入水平能明显地降低农民工两栖流动概率,家属随迁且耕地长期流转能显著增强农民工城市居住稳定性。针对当前农民工居住特点,政府应及时出台相关政策,增强农民工定居城市能力,使其由“ ”型城乡流动向 “ ”型城市定居转变,实现市民化转型。

关键词: 农民工, 居住状态, 禀赋