Population Research ›› 2016, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (3): 30-44.

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Poverty of Rural Migrant Workers Leaving both Their Farmland and Hometown: A “Survival-Development-Risk”Perspective

Zhu Xiao1,Duan Chengrong2   

  1. School of Sociology and Population Studies,Renmin University of China;School of Sociology and Population Renmin University of China
  • Online:2016-05-29 Published:2017-01-12
  • About author:Zhu Xiao is Doctoral Candidate,School of Sociology and Population Studies, Renmin Uni- versity of China; Duan Chengrong is Professor,School of Sociology and Population Renmin University of China.



  1. 中国人民大学社会与人口学院。北京,100872
  • 作者简介:朱晓,中国人民大学社会与人口学院博士研究生; 段成荣,中国人民大学社会与人口学院教授。

Abstract: An increasingly evident trend in China’s urbanization is the“Urbanization of Poverty”. Migrant workers,especially those leaving both their farmland and hometown have become the main body of the new urban poverty population.Prior poverty studies focus more on“survival”but less on “development”and“risk”of the migrant workers.Based on the scarcity theory and the risk society theory,this paper puts forward a three dimensional framework of“Survival-Development-Risk”for poverty analysis.Empirical analysis using data of 2008 Floating Population Income Survey shows that the majority of impoverished migrant workers suffer from meager wage,hindered development,as well as lack of social insurance,and may easily fall into risky poverty.In addition,their subjective feeling of deprivation is also higher than the non-poor.This study also identifies variables,including gender,education level,job type,occupation and region,that have significant effects on poverty.

Keywords:  Three-Dimensional Poverty, Subjective Sense of Deprivation, Leaving both Farmland and Hometown, Urbanization of Poverty, Incidence of Poverty

摘要: 伴随城市化发展,日益频繁的人口流动使得"贫困的城市化"现象日渐凸显,农民工特别是离土又离乡农民工已成为城市贫困人口新主体。以往对贫困研究多聚焦"生存",少关注"发展+风险",贫困指标选取方面不是单一化就是多维的碎片化。文章基于稀缺理论及风险社会理论,提出"生存-发展-风险"的贫困三维视角,并用2008年流动人口居民收入调查(CHIP)数据进行测算,结果显示农民工贫困状况令人担忧。绝大部分贫困农民工不仅收入受到剥夺、发展受阻,而且缺乏社会保险易因外部风险致贫;此外,他们的主观剥夺感也强于非贫困人口。研究进一步发现,性别、受教育程度、工作类型、主要工作职业和地区对是否沦为贫困有显著影响。 

关键词: 贫困三维, 主观剥夺, 离土又离乡农民工, 贫困的城市化, 贫困率