Population Research ›› 2017, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (1): 84-97.

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The Income Difference between Rural and Urban Floating Migrants: The Quantile Regression Based on Data of 2015 Dynamic Monitoring of Floating Population#br#

Yu Xiao1,Sun Yue2   

  1. Northeast Asian Studies College,Jilin University
  • Online:2017-01-29 Published:2017-04-18
  • About author:Yu Xiao is Professor and Dean,Northeast Asian Studies College,Jilin University; Sun Yue is PhD Student,Northeast Asian Studies College,Jilin University.



  1. 吉林大学东北亚研究院
  • 作者简介:于潇,吉林大学东北亚研究院院长、教授; 孙悦,吉林大学东北亚研究院博士研究生。

Abstract: Based on the dynamic monitoring data of floating population in 2015,this study adopts the quantile regression and quantile decomposition analysis to explore the wage difference between the rural and urban floating population.There is a significant income gap between the groups of the floating population.In addition to the characteristic differences,discrimination resulting from the household registration system stands at as high as 36.8% of the total impact on wage income difference.Meanwhile,the coefficients affecting the income at different quantiles significantly differ between the rural and urban floating population.In the counterfactual state,increase of the income quantile ( income level) leads to widening of the income gap of the two groups,and the impact of the discrimination deepens, which is as high as 75.1% in 90% quantile.Apparently,reforming the household registration system will help narrow the income gap within the floating population.Furthermore,a range of supporting policies are needed to reduce the discrimination and to promote urban-rural integration.

Keywords: Rural Floating Population, Urban Floating Population, Household Registration System, Wage Income, Quantile Decomposition

摘要: 文章基于2015年全国流动人口动态监测数据,采取分位数回归与分位数分解分析方法,探究城镇流动人口与农村流动人口之间收入差异问题。研究发现,流动人口群体内部的收入差距显著;除特征差异外,户籍歧视对收入差异的影响比重高达36.8%;同时,影响收入各变量的回归系数在城镇与农村流动人口不同分位点具有较大差异;在反事实状态下,随着收入分位数即工资收入等级的不断提高,两类群体收入的差距不断扩大,且户籍歧视对其影响程度逐渐加深,在90%分位点的该比重高达75.1%。总之,受户籍制度影响,流动人口的收入差距明显,社会分层现象严重。因此,户籍制度改革将会缩小流动人口的收入差距,政府应为降低户籍歧视制定一系列的配套政策,推动城乡一体化进程。

关键词: 城镇流动人口|农村流动人口, 户籍, 收入差异, 分位数分解