Population Research ›› 2017, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 16-32.
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Ma Lei1
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Abstract: Marital barrier is a key indicator to measure the difficulties of marrying among different social groups. It is not clear how high the marital barriers are in contemporary China. Using a national survey on “Social Development” carried out in 2012 2013,this article measures the marital barriers among different educational,social class,and income groups. Log-linear and ordered logistic regression models show that the greatest marital barrier from education is the traditional norm in which husband is usually older than wife. The higher the social class is,the greater the marital barriers are. Higher income is associated with greater probability of endogamy. In contemporary China,marital barriers are surprisingly high. Homogamy but not heterogamy is still the leading pattern of assortative mating. Social inequality is shaped and maintained through marital barriers.
Keywords: Marital Barriers, Assortative Mating, Homogamy, Intermarriage
摘要: 婚姻壁垒是测量不同社会群体通婚难易程度的重要指标。当前中国社会不同群体间 的婚姻壁垒究竟有多高? 以往研究虽有涉及,但未重点讨论并进行定量测量。文章利用 2012 ~ 2013 年“社会发展与社会建设”全国调查数据,测量不同教育水平、社会阶层地位和收入水平群体间的婚姻 壁垒状况。对数线性模型和序列逻辑斯谛回归分析结果表明:教育婚姻壁垒最高的是男大女小的传 统婚配年龄组;阶层婚姻壁垒的强度随着阶层地位的提升而增加;收入水平越高的男女双方结婚的概率越高,相比中等收入及以下群体,中高收入和高收入群体内部通婚概率更高。婚姻壁垒高高竖起, 各类同质婚而非交换婚是当前社会婚姻匹配的主要模式,社会不平等通过婚姻壁垒得以塑造和延续。
关键词: 婚姻壁垒, 婚姻匹配, 同质婚, 交换婚
CLC Number:
Ma Lei. Homogamy,Heterogamy,and Marital Barriers in Current Chinese Society[J]. Population Research, 2017, 41(6): 16-32.
马磊. 同质婚、交换婚与当前中国社会的婚姻壁垒[J]. 人口研究, 2017, 41(6): 16-32.
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