Population Research ›› 2017, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 71-83.

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Family Care Arrangements and Policy Needs of Preschool Children in China: An Analysis Based on Multiple Data Sources

Wu Fan1Wang Lin2   

  1. Wu Fan is Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Policy, Nankai University; Wang Lin is PhD Student, Department of Sociology, Nankai University.
  • Online:2017-11-29 Published:2018-03-30
  • About author:Wu Fan is Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Policy, Nankai University; Wang Lin is PhD Student, Department of Sociology, Nankai University.
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中国学龄前儿童 家庭照料安排与政策需求——基于多源数据的分析


  1. 吴帆,南开大学社会工作与社会政策系教授;王琳,南开大学社会学系博士研究生。
  • 作者简介:吴帆,南开大学社会工作与社会政策系教授;王琳,南开大学社会学系博士研究生。
  • 基金资助:
    本研究受国家社会科学基金重点项目《中国当代家庭代际关系功能及其福利效应研究》(17ARK004)、教育部人文社 会科学重点研究基地重大项目《中国家庭转变研究》(16JJD840013)资助。

Abstract: Based on multiple survey data, the paper analyzes the situations and characteristics of family care arrangements for children aged 0~5 in China. Conducted by different organizations between 2010 2014, the multiple surveys show high childcare deficits, heavy burdens of mothers, imbalanced responsibility between motherhood and fatherhood, and a high proportion of childcare by grandparents. These problems not only directly affect the healthy growth of children, women??s employment and development, and the quality of family life, but also affect the implementation of the two-child policy. One of the key reasons of these problems is the lack of institutional support for childcare, particularly the shortage of formal care for children under age 3. “Work-family” balance has become a universal and rigid social needs. From a macro point of view, childcare is a necessary condition for population reproduction. From the perspective of family policy, it is necessary to extend the paternity leave and parental leave, to develop formal care agencies for children aged 0 ~ 3, and to promote the balance of workfamily for childcare givers.


Keywords: Child Care, Family Care, Formal Care, Family Policy 

摘要: 文章基于多源数据分析中国 0 ~ 5 岁学龄前儿童家庭照料安排状况及主要特征。 不 同来源的数据都反映出家庭的儿童照料赤字过大、母亲照料负担过重、母职与父职关系失衡、祖辈的 替代照料比重高等特点。 这些现实问题不仅直接影响到儿童的健康成长、女性的就业与发展、家庭的 生活质量,同时也会影响到全面两孩政策的落实。 导致这些问题的一个关键原因是缺乏对儿童照料 安排的制度支持,尤其是 3 岁以下正规照料供给的严重短缺。 “工作—家庭”平衡已经成为一种普遍 的、刚性的社会需求。 从宏观上看,儿童照料是人口再生产得以实现的必要条件。 从家庭政策的视 角,应该加强对儿童照料的支持,包括加大陪产假和育儿假的力度,大力发展针对 3 岁以下幼儿的正 式照料服务,帮助和支持照料者对工作—家庭责任的兼顾。

关键词: 儿童照料, 家庭照料, 正式照料, 家庭政策

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