Population Research ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 3-17.

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How Does Internet Use Affect Life Satisfaction of the Chinese Elderly?

Du Peng1,Wang Bin2   

  1. Du Peng1, Center for Population and Development Studies, Renmin University of China;Wang Bin2(Corresponding Author), Department of Sociology, Peking University.
  • Online:2020-07-29 Published:2020-08-12
  • About author:Du Peng is Professor, Center for Population and Development Studies, Renmin University of China;Wang Bin(Corresponding Author) is PhD Candidate, Department of Sociology, Peking University.



  1. 杜鹏1,中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心;汪斌2(通讯作者),北京大学社会学系。
  • 作者简介:杜鹏,中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心教授;汪斌(通讯作者),北京大学社会学系博士研究生。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Previous researches generally indicate that internet use has an important impact on life satisfaction of the elderly, but this is mostly limited to the discussion of direct impact and from a technical perspective, and ignores the role of the elderly and its influencing mechanism. Based on classical theories, this paper considers the role of the elderly and empirically studies the relationship between internet use and life satisfaction of the elderly people. The results show that under the current level of internet use of the elderly, internet use significantly improves the life satisfaction of the elderly. Community participation plays a mediating role in this process. The use of internet of the elderly Chinese may be a positive choice behavior, which can enhance the social capital of the elderly and improve their life satisfaction. In order to improve the elderlys quality of life in digital times, the society should establish a new concept of internet use for the elderly and improve their digital integration.

Keywords: Internet Use, The Elderly, Life Satisfaction, Mediation Effect

摘要: 互联网使用对老年人生活满意度有重要影响,但以往研究多局限于直接影响和技术中心视角的讨论,而忽略了对影响机制和老年人视角的探究。以老年人为中心,借鉴以往相关经典理论,将老年群体视为技术应用的能动主体,实证分析互联网使用对中国老年人生活满意度有何影响及如何影响。研究发现,互联网使用显著提高了中国老年人的生活满意度,社区参与在此过程中起着积极的中介作用。在现阶段老年人互联网使用环境下,老年人对互联网技术的使用可能是一种积极选择性行为,这有助于增强老年群体的参与型资本和提升老年群体的生活满意度。建议应树立起对老年群体网络使用的新观念,积极促进老年群体能动性的数字融入,提升信息社会中老年群体的生活质量。

关键词: 互联网使用, 老年人, 生活满意度, 中介效应