Population Research ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 88-102.

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Women's Socio-Economic Status, Childbearing Motivation, and the Second-Birth Plan in Urban China

Jin Yongai1,Shen Xiaojie2   

  1. Jin Yongai1, Center for Population and Development Studies, Center for Family and Gender Studies, Renmin University of China; Shen Xiaojie2 (Corresponding Author) , Center for Social Research, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University.
  • Online:2022-11-29 Published:2022-11-29
  • About author:Jin Yongai, Center for Population and Development Studies, Center for Family and Gender Studies, Renmin University of China; Shen Xiaojie (Corresponding Author) , Center for Social Research, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University.



  1. 靳永爱1,中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心、家庭与性别研究中心副教授;沈小杰2(通讯作者),北京大学光华管理学院社会研究中心博士研究生。
  • 作者简介:靳永爱,中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心、家庭与性别研究中心副教授;沈小杰(通讯作者),北京大学光华管理学院社会研究中心博士研究生。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Using data from 2017 survey on Chinese families' fertility decision under the new fertility policy, this study investigates how childbearing motivation impacts women's second-birth plan in urban China. Results show that higher socioeconomic status is linked to both stronger individualism-oriented and stronger childdevelopment-oriented motivations of childbearing. Meanwhile, individualism-oriented motivation is negatively while childdevelopment-oriented motivation is positively associated with the probability to have a second birth plan. Overall, women who have a higher socio-economic status would have a higher probability to have a plan for a second birth. The KHB decomposition suggests that the two types of childbearing motivation play a mediating role in the relationship between women's socioeconomic status and their plan for a second birth. And the childdevelopment-oriented motivation has a larger mediating effect. This study has important theoretical and policy implications by emphasizing the role of childbearing motivation in women's fertility decisions.

摘要: 利用2017年“生育新政下中国家庭的生育决策”调查数据,分析生育动机对中国城市地区女性二孩生育计划的影响。研究发现,社会经济地位较高的女性具有更强的个体价值取向的生育动机与子女发展取向的生育动机,个体价值取向的生育动机对二孩生育计划有负向影响,子女发展取向的生育动机对二孩生育计划有正向影响。二者综合影响下,社会经济地位越高的女性有二孩生育计划的可能性越大。利用KHB方法分解发现,两种取向的生育动机起部分中介作用,并且子女发展取向的生育动机效应更强。在一个受全球化、现代化深入影响的社会,多元、开放的观念将成为影响生育行为与生育水平的重要因素。研究结果验证了生育动机的重要作用,具有较强的现实意义和理论意义。

关键词: 社会经济地位, 二孩生育计划, 生育动机, 个体价值, 子女发展