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China’s Longevity Levels from the Perspective of Centenarians
Du Peng, Wu Cilin
Population Research    2024, 48 (3): 3-19.  
Abstract552)      PDF (1388KB)(41)       Save
When discussing longevity levels, the centenarian population representing an extremely significant group is often overlooked. Based on data from the Seventh National Population Census, China surpassed the United States and had the largest number of centenarians in the world in 2020. China’s proportion of centenarians was also higher than the global average, becoming a country with a huge longevity population. However, there remains a gap compared to developed regions, and further progress is needed to become a leading country in longevity. In China, the eastern regions have the highest number and proportion of centenarians. Urban centenarians outnumber their rural counterparts, and about 70.4% of centenarians are female. The number and proportion of centenarians have increased across different ethnic groups, though disparities exist. To transition from a country with a huge longevity population to a leading country in longevity, China should rely on high-quality development led by the Chinese Path to Modernization. The government should implement comprehensive policies integrating political guidance, economic development, social security, cultural and spiritual life, and environmental protection to promote the development of longevity.
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