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Degree of Satisfaction on Migration of the Three-Gorges Migrants:Transition and Causes
Liu Chengbin, Feng Xiaotian
Population Research    2007, 31 (1): 76-85.  
Abstract1389)      PDF (135KB)(1378)       Save
There is a transition from high to low degree of satisfaction of perceptions of migration in the destinations for the Three-Gorges migrants.Regression analysis on the factors affecting their perceptions reveals that the adaptation process for the Three-Gorges migrants in the resettled places is divided into three stages:role labeling,role imitating and role assimilating and comparing.In the final stage,feeling of being relatively deprived is a major reason why their degree of satisfaction has gone down.
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Cited: Baidu(23)
Feng Xiaotian
Population Research    2006, 30 (5): 57-63.  
Abstract1552)      PDF (149KB)(1654)       Save
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