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Gradient Urbanization: Community Type and Residential Housing of Migrants
Hou Huili, Li Chunhua
Population Research    2013, 37 (2): 83-92.  
Abstract2801)      PDF (617KB)(1574)       Save
This  paper analyses  how community  type ,urban  and  rural  residential committees ,affects choice of  residence of  migrants and compares housing conditions between the two types of communities. Migrants who are self - employed ,who are wholesale and retail workers and who are temporarily employed pre- fer to living in the rural  community. Income is the important factor  affecting housing conditions for migrants living in the urban community ,while migration pattern and housing purpose are the significant determinants of  living conditions for migrants living in the rural community. Two types of communities with different hous- ing  supply  patterns contribute differently  in integrating migrants with  different  stability  and different employment  characteristics into urban life ,which have important  implications for urbanization.
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