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Does Public Pension Affect Intergenerational Support in Rural China?
Jiao Na
Population Research    2016, 40 (4): 88-102.  
Abstract650)      PDF (250KB)(1254)       Save

New Rural China Pension System ( NRPS) and family mutual insurance are main elder- care patterns in rural China. Using data from China health and retirement longitudinal study ( CHARLS2011/2013) and employing difference-in-discontinuity method,this paper studies the effect of NRPS on Intergenerational Support in rural China.The result shows that NRPS has had crowed-out effect on family eldercare,while having had crowded-in effect on grandparents raising grandchildren.NRPS increases distance between the elders and their children although the effect is not statistical significant. With the development of public pension system in rural China,there will be huge potential for long-term care services and insurance industries.Pension can enhance independence of rural China elderly and NRPS can improve sustainability of family mutual insurance through skip-generation raising.Thus it plays a complementary role in current eldercare system.

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