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The Employment Promotion and Environment Improvement through Sustainable Transformation in China's Resource-based Cities:The Perspective of Harmonious Co-existence between Humanity and Nature
Chang Dunhu, Li Mingkui, YuanJiaqian, ZhouJi, Ma Zhong
Population Research    2023, 47 (3): 63-77.  
Abstract367)      PDF (13183KB)(140)       Save
The declaration “planning development from the perspective of harmonious co-existence between humanity and nature” provides guidance for integrating population development and green development in resource-based cities at the conceptual, factual, and policy levels. Empirical research of this paper has found that the sustainable transformation of China's resource-based cities aims to improve employment and economy, with population development being prioritized over green development. However, green transformation contributes more to employment rate than traditional industrial transformation. Cooperation between employment expansion policies and environment improvement policies is conducive to achieving mutual goals, mainly due to the reduced dependence on finance and the enhanced public services. The key to improving the sustainable transformation policies in resource-based cities lies in handling the relationship between partial and overall, short-term and long-term, as well as government and market concerning the mutual goals of employment promotion and environment improvement. Incentivized by the green transition of the development mode, the endogenous mechanism of mutual promotion of “employment priority” and “ecological priority” will be realized in resource-based cities.
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Family Planning Rewards Policy in Rural China:Political Risks and Reform Suggestions
Shi Renbing, Li Ming
Population Research    2011, 35 (2): 105-112.  
Abstract2024)      PDF (203KB)(1290)       Save
The rural family planning rewards policy has been greatly appreciated in rural China,which is being praised ’a significant innovation’ and has won an international reputation for Chinese family planning policy.However,in the context of changing population trends and inevitability of adjusting China’s Family Planning Policy,this article argues that there are political risks in the current family planning policy which aims at low fertility.In view of the situation of the new rural old-age insurance policy being experimented,that paper suggests that the family planning rewards policy be incorporated into the experimental old-age insurance policy,with specific ideas and methods of the policy reform.Finally,the article also discusses the problems that may occur in the policy conversion process and the coping strategies.
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