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College Expansion and Transition of Fertility Pattern:The Case of Hebei Province
Liang Qiusheng, Tian Ji, Ji Haijing
Population Research    2013, 37 (2): 41-53.  
Abstract2007)      PDF (1746KB)(1420)       Save
The 20 10  population census shows that  Hebei ’s fertility pattern is undergoing transition from “Fewer  and Early Childbearing ”to “Fewer and Late childbearing ”. Results from both qualitative and quan- titative  analysis show that the college expansion policy that has been carried out in China since 1999 is one of the major forces reshaping fertility  pattern in  Hebei. 34 . 7 % of  the total  range  of  the  pattern  change  results from college expansion. From 2000  to 20 10 ,as  a  result  of  the  college  expansion ,the  mean  age  of  fertility has  increased by 0 . 3 year ,the annual births have decreased by more than 60 thousand and total fertility rate has dropped by 0 . 1 in  Hebei Province. More pronounced  effect  of  the  college  expansion  on fertility  pattern would be expected in the next ten years
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Comparative Analysis of the Effects of Birth Control in China
Liang Qiusheng, Li Zhefu
Population Research    2003, 27 (1): 5-10.  
Abstract1574)      PDF (126KB)(1696)       Save
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