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Rural Family Planning and Farmers′ Life Satisfaction
Luo Xiaofeng
Population Research    2012, 36 (3): 104-112.  
Abstract2581)      PDF (145KB)(1200)       Save
Drawing upon data from a survey of 1586 farmers in 6 provinces in China,this paper examines impacts of rural family planning work,rural health services,regional environmental characteristics,farmer’s personal characteristics,and family characteristics on farmers’ life satisfaction using ordinal logit model.Results show that rural rewarding and supporting policy in family planning has significant impact on farmers’ life satisfaction,while punishment for out-of-plan births has no significant impact.Two factors of rural health services,treatment improvement after participating in the new cooperative medical care system and the burden of medical expenses,have significant impact on farmers’ life satisfaction.Following policy recommendations are proposed: government should gradually increase the proportion of the expenditure in public services in rural areas,further improve the system of interest-oriented policy,properly upgrade incentives and assistance,and increase the punishment on the rural families for out-of-plan births corresponding to their income and property.
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