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Substitute or Supplement? The Impact of Home-based Care Services on Intergenerational Support of Chinese Older People
Sun Juanjuan, Tian Jiayin, Chen Yuxin
Population Research    2023, 47 (6): 35-50.  
Abstract399)      PDF (1240KB)(193)       Save
Both of the home-based care services for older people and the function of old-age support by family have been integrated into the national strategy of actively responding to ageing. However, more in-depth studies are necessary to explore the effects of home-based care services on family support for the older people. Based on a counterfactual framework and using the 2018 and 2020 China Longitudinal Aging Social Survey (CLASS) data, this paper employs a combination of propensity score matching and difference-in-differences methods to measure the influence of home-based care services on family intergenerational support. The results show that home-based care services for the older people have a significant negative impact on their family intergenerational support, to a certain extent, replacing the instrumental support provided by adult children. Moreover, this substitution effect is more significant among the relatively vulnerable elderly group. The empirical results also suggest that the effect of home-based care services on family intergenerational support does not significantly reduce the intergenerational relationships of older adults, and that the overall functioning of family care is maintained. Therefore, in order to promote the mutual integration and positive interaction between social care services and family care, the support for the family care provided by home-based care services should be strengthened.
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College Expansion and Transition of Fertility Pattern:The Case of Hebei Province
Liang Qiusheng, Tian Ji, Ji Haijing
Population Research    2013, 37 (2): 41-53.  
Abstract2010)      PDF (1746KB)(1423)       Save
The 20 10  population census shows that  Hebei ’s fertility pattern is undergoing transition from “Fewer  and Early Childbearing ”to “Fewer and Late childbearing ”. Results from both qualitative and quan- titative  analysis show that the college expansion policy that has been carried out in China since 1999 is one of the major forces reshaping fertility  pattern in  Hebei. 34 . 7 % of  the total  range  of  the  pattern  change  results from college expansion. From 2000  to 20 10 ,as  a  result  of  the  college  expansion ,the  mean  age  of  fertility has  increased by 0 . 3 year ,the annual births have decreased by more than 60 thousand and total fertility rate has dropped by 0 . 1 in  Hebei Province. More pronounced  effect  of  the  college  expansion  on fertility  pattern would be expected in the next ten years
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