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Forecasting the Population Size of the Disabled Older People and Their Care Time Needs#br#
Zhang Yuan, Wang Wei
Population Research    2021, 45 (6): 110-125.  
Abstract1524)      PDF (14673KB)(340)       Save
China's disabled and semi-disabled elderly population has grown rapidly and its distribution between urban and rural areas is uneven. Utilizing the 2011 and 2014 CLHLS data, this paper introduces the measurement of transition intensity to construct the health state transition probability matrix, and predict the population size of disabled elderly and the care time needs by urban and rural areas. The main conclusions are: (1) The probability of urban and rural older people with moderate and severe disability will increase with age and deterioration of initial health. (2) In 2050, the population of moderately and severely disabled aged 65 and above will reach over 83 million, which is about 3 times that in 2020. The ratio of the number of moderately disabled older people aged 65 to 74 in urban over rural areas has increased from 2.04 in 2020 to 7.77 in 2050. 2020-2040, the number of moderately and severely disabled older people aged 75 to 84 in rural areas will always be higher than that in urban areas. In 2020, the ratio of the number of moderately and severely disabled older people aged 65 to 74 in rural over urban areas will reach peaks of 1.74 and 2.38 respectively. (3) The average duration time of moderate disability of older people aged 65 to 74 in urban areas is 1.34 times that in rural areas, and the average duration time of the severe disability of older people in the same age group is 1.28 times that in urban areas.
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Passive Smoking and Its Health Risk among Chinese Elderly: A Life Course Perspective
Wang Weijin,Zeng Yi,Lu Jiehua
Population Research    2014, 38 (1): 98-112.  
Abstract1347)      PDF (475KB)(1325)       Save
According to the 2011 - 2012 wave data of Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS) ,passive smoking influences all life stages of Chinese elderly. Not only the prevalence of passive smoking is high in elderly's lives,but also the duration is quite long. From the perspective of individual's life course,this study shows that current passive smoking at home or public places,and passive smoking during childhood as well as young-or middle-ages increases the elderly's risk of depression; current passive smoking at home has an adverse effect on self-reported health. Meanwhile,passive smoking at home during childhood,young- or middle-ages and currently passive smoking at public places substantially increases the elderly's risk of daily life ability impairment . Moreover,passive smoking during young-or middle-ages as well as currently at public places increases the odds of self-reported chronic diseases. Finally,the positive relationship between passive smoking at public places and cognitive function may just reflect a selective effect of cognitive function on social participation at public places.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
Does Family Planning Policy Reduce People’s Sense of Happiness? A Post-80 Generation Perspective
Wang Wei, Jing Hongqiao, Zhang Peng
Population Research    2013, 37 (2): 102-112.  
Abstract2213)      PDF (1006KB)(2036)       Save
Drawing upon data from the 2008 Chinese General Social Survey ,this paper examines the impact  of  China ’s family  planning policy  on people ’s  sense  of  happiness ,with  the  number  of  siblings  as the proxy  of  the family  planning policy  effect. Research  findings  are  summarized  as follows : ( 1) The  sense  of happiness of  the  post - 80  generation  is  significantly  reduced  with  the  increase  of  the  number  of  siblings ; (2) Among brothers and  sisters ,the number of  the elder brothers is the  most  prominent  determinant  in  reducing the  sense of  happiness ; ( 3) As for the middle - aged  and  older  people ,reduction  in  the  number  of children has no  significant  influence on their  subjective well - being. In the  context  of  scarcity  of  education and  social  security  resources ,China ’s  family  planning  policy  has  enhanced  rather  than  reduced  people ’ sense of  happiness. Hence ,future adjustment  of  the family  planning  policy  could further  improve  people ’s happiness by  addressing gender  imbalance ,ageing and decreasing labour  supply.
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Impact of Labour Migration on Income Distribution
Wang Wei, Zhang Zongyi, Xu Kailong
Population Research    2007, 31 (6): 55-66.  
Abstract1667)      PDF (153KB)(1138)       Save
This paper is concerned with inequality of income distribution and labour migration in China. Using data from 1% population sample survey of Chongqing City, this paper examines the socio-demographic characteristics of labour migration that have had impact on income generation and distribution. Results show that labour migration has considerably increased migrant income, and played a positive role in reducing income gap between urban and rural areas, regions and population groups. Labour migration that is stable and orderly is among important driving forces for sustained economic and social development.
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