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Regional Population Equrilibrium:Key Factor in Principal Function Areas Planning
Zhang Yaojun, Chen Wei, Zhang Ying
Population Research    2010, 34 (4): 8-19.  
Abstract1398)      PDF (1505KB)(1238)       Save
Based on ArcGIS as analytical tools and the 2000 census data,this research is carried out in county units. The result indicates that among principal function areas,key development zones have the highest population size while optimized key development zones the highest population density. Compared with limited development zones of lowest population quality,optimized development zones show highest population quality. As for age structure,optimized development zones reveal highest proportion of labor population. Further analysis demostrates that population migration does not follow the planning of principal function Areas. Current technical and cultural development may still not meet the requirement of principal function Areas planning. A large number of labors assemble in optimized development zones,which deviates from principal function Areas planning. In order to achieve regional population equilibrium,proper population and industrial policy should be implemented in different principal function Areas with consideration of regional advantadges. In addition,population policy should coordinate with other public policy.
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