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Sustainable Development of China From a Gloabalization Perspective
Zhu Guohong
Population Research    2003, 27 (3): 12-20.  
Abstract1193)      PDF (188KB)(1126)       Save
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Cited: Baidu(3)
Two-Decade Demography in China
Zhu Guohong
Population Research    1998, 22 (6): 1-4.  
Abstract1179)      PDF (313KB)(945)       Save
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Cited: Baidu(5)
A Reconsideration of the Historical Population Growth in China: A. D. 2-1949
Zhu Guohon
Population Research    1998, 22 (3): 14-20.  
Abstract1448)      PDF (465KB)(2266)       Save
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Cited: Baidu(7)
Large Scale International Migration in Modern China: 1840-1949
Zhu Guohong
Population Research    1997, 21 (1): 7-12.  
Abstract1620)      PDF (2452KB)(1179)       Save
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Cited: Baidu(1)