Population Research ›› 2010, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (1): 75-85.
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Qi Xin
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Abstract: Choices of peasant aging support are related to their capabilities,which are determined by rural economic conditions,production manners and institutional arrangements.Based on description of the living conditions of peasants and the narrative of their experiences,this study shows that they are neither traditional nor rational peasants regarding their participation in social insurance.Despite various explanations in not participating in social insurance,lack of capabilities is the major reason why peasants have no aging insurance.That they have to rely on land and children for their aging support is not their voluntary choice.Incapability leads to the fact that they sacrifice their long-term benefit but maintain the present living status.The rift is too large between peasants and state economic development strategies and social polices,affecting negatively rural aging support policy and choice of ageing support for peasants.
Keywords: Capability, Economic Development, Social Welfare, Ageing Support
摘要: 农民的养老方式选择与他们实际具备的可行能力密不可分。这种可行能力取决于农村的经济状况、农民的生产方式、生活方式和制度环境。本文通过对我国目前农民生存状况的描述,通过农民对自己经历、体验讲述的分析,表明他们在处理参保问题上的行为逻辑与他人贴上的"理性小农"的标签完全不同。土地养老、子女养老并不是农民自愿选择的养老方式,而是迫不得已应对的结果。可行能力的缺乏使农民只能牺牲自己的长远利益而维持目前的生活状态。尽管对于农民不办理养老保险有各种各样的解释,但本文认为从可行能力解释农民的养老选择是一个不可忽视的视角。可行能力不仅包含着个人的能力而且与他们所处的社会位置密切有关。本文认为,国家长期以来的发展政策和社会政策与它的标的群体-农民之间的过大差距,最终形成了农村养老保政策运行低效及对农民养老选择的负面影响。
关键词: 可行能力, 经济发展, 农民养老选择, 社会保障
Qi Xin. Aging Support for Peasants:Choices and Capabilities[J]. Population Research, 2010, 34(1): 75-85.
亓昕. 农民养老方式与可行能力研究[J]. 人口研究, 2010, 34(1): 75-85.
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