Population Research ›› 2010, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (4): 3-7.
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Zhao Baige1
Abstract: To discuss the current and future financial development and risk prevention,population as a long-term,systematic,and irreversible factor,should be taken into careful consideration. As for China,we should pay particular attention to the situation of rapid ageing and urbanization in the next 20 years,which would result in profound influence on this issue. To achieve coordinated development of population,resources and the environment,to prioritize investment in human development,and to set up a whole system and mechanism for addressing population issue,should be our policy choices now and in the future.
Keywords: Financial Development, Population, Ageing
摘要: 探讨当前和未来的金融发展与风险防范,必须充分考虑人口这一长期的、系统的、不可逆的影响因素。对中国而言,要特别关注未来20年里人口老龄化和快速城镇化带来的人口动态变化及其深刻影响。坚持人口、资源、环境协调发展,坚持优先投资于人,坚持构建统筹解决人口问题的体制机制,是重要的应对之道和政策选择。
关键词: 金融发展, 人口, 老龄化, 城镇化
Zhao Baige. Financial Development and Risk Prevention:from the Perspective of Population[J]. Population Research, 2010, 34(4): 3-7.
赵白鸽. 人口视角下的金融发展与金融风险防范[J]. 人口研究, 2010, 34(4): 3-7.
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