Population Research ›› 2010, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (4): 99-112.
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He Hong1 ,Ma Xiao2
Abstract: This paper analyzes articles published in Population Research from 1977 to 2008 using the methods of literature metrology. The results showed that first,this journal contains a large number of articles with a wide range of research areas,but a lower number of funded papers. Second,it embrases high-quality authors from various regions,particuarly those in academia (e.g.,universities and research institutes). Finallly,the trend of collaborations has risen,and cited papers have increased gradually. The result suggested that this journal is an excellent academic journal in China,but there is room to improve.
Keywords: Population Research, Literature methodology, Lotka law, Price index, Citation half-life
摘要: 文章应用文献计量学方法,对《人口研究》杂志1977~2008年32卷177期的载文、研究内容、论文作者、引文和被引等方面进行了分析,以客观反映该杂志的基本情况。结果发现该刊载文量大,研究内容广泛,基本涵盖了人口学研究的主要领域;基金资助论文数呈逐年递增趋势,但仍偏低;具有高质量的核心作者群,作者地区分布广泛,大多集中在高等院校及科研机构,具有较高的学历水平,论文作者的合作度逐年增加;论文的引文量大,引文语种主要为中文和英文,该刊具有较强的新颖度,该学科发展速度较快;论文被引用次数逐年增多。分析结果表明该杂志是一本优秀的学术期刊,仍有提高趋势。
关键词: 人口研究, 计量分析, 洛特卡定律, 普赖斯指数, 引文半衰期
He Hong,Ma Xiao. Measurement Analysis of Population Research from 1977 to 2008[J]. Population Research, 2010, 34(4): 99-112.
和红,马骁. 《人口研究》三十年文献计量学分析[J]. 人口研究, 2010, 34(4): 99-112.
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