Population Research ›› 2011, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1): 82-92.

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Internal Balanced Development of Population:A Case Study in Western Region of China

Mao Changbao1, Chen Yong2   

  1. 1 Institute of Population Research, Sichuan University, Cheng Du 610064; 2 Institute of Population Research,Institute of Environment and Regional Development, Sichuan University, Cheng Du 610064
  • Online:2011-01-29 Published:2012-11-18
  • Contact: lbbkb2010@sina.com



  1. 1 四川大学人口研究所助理,成都 610064;2  四川大学人口研究所,四川大学环境与区域发展研究所,成都 610064
  • 通讯作者: lbbkb2010@sina.com

Abstract: This paper defines the concept of internal balanced development of population with respect to its quantity and quality: in the process of population development,balance and coordination are gradually achieved in both quantity and quality of the components of the population,while the state of balance is temporary,relative and is constantly evolving from a lower level to a higher level of balance.An evaluation model of internal balanced development of population is developed and empirical analysis is conduced for the West China,suggesting that population development level,internal balanced development level and internal balanced sustainable development level are all low in the west region of China despite the fact that there are large differences within the region.

Keywords: Internal Balanced Population, Balance Degree, Sustainable Development Degree, Development Gradient, Western Region

摘要: 本文从量与质两个方面对人口内部均衡发展概念进行界定——在人口发展过程中,人口内部影响因素在发展数量、质量等方面逐步实现均等或协调,而这种均衡是暂时的、相对的,且不断的由低级均衡向高级均衡发展演替。在此基础上从人口发展、人口内部均衡度、人口内部均衡发展梯度、人口内部均衡可持续发展度四个视角构建人口内部均衡发展评价模型,并对西部地区进行实证分析。主要结论:(1)2000~2007年间,西部人口发展、人口内部均衡度及人口内部均衡可持续发展度呈增长态势,其增速高于同期全国水平,且西部各省间发展差距较大;(2)西部地区人口发展水平较低,位于0.48~0.59之间,属由启蒙后期进入过渡前期阶段;(3)西部人口内部均衡度低,位于0.35~0.42之间,属由轻度失调进入濒临失调阶段;(4)西部人口内部均衡可持续发展度较低,位于0.455~0.544之间,属过渡阶段。

关键词: 人口内部均衡, 均衡度, 可持续发展度, 发展梯度, 西部地区