Population Research ›› 2018, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1): 60-75.
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Yang Juhua#br#
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Abstract: The Chinese government,central and local alike,has issued a number of documents,aiming to include migrants in the housing security system at the place of destination since 2010. Have these policies improved migrants?? living condition? Focusing on housing source,this paper describes its changing trend in the past 10 years,and explores its associates in 2014. Analytic results show that over 70% of migrants stay in rented house; the proportion of migrants who own house / apartment is very low and those who have access to public housing is extremely low. While urban and rural hukou (household registration) type makes a difference in owning / access to public housing and renting housing,both rural-urban migrants and urban-urban migrants share more similarities than difference in housing source,especially when they are compared to local residents. Such findings suggest that it still has a long way to go to include migrants in the local housing security framework. In the context of “Shared Development” norms,more efforts should be devoted to alleviate barriers migrants encounter in access to public housing and improve the ability of migrants to own their own houses / apartments.
文章分析近十年流动人口住房来源的变动趋势、基本特点及其影响因素,重点关注更能体现“安居”的住房拥有和保障性住房情况。 分析结果表明,约七成流动人口租住私房,拥有住房的比例很低,租住公屋的比例极低;尽管流动人口群体内存在明显分层,但作为“外来人”,住房方面的共性大于差异性;流入地经济越发达、流动跨越的行政区域越大,拥有住房或租住公屋的概率越低。 可见,将流动人口全面纳入住房保障体系之路依旧举步维艰、任重道远。 在“住有所居”、“共享”发展等 理念的引领下,未来需要真正从制度上消减流动人口安居之路上的障碍,扩大公租房对流动人口的覆盖率,减弱流动人口的“过客”感受,
关键词: 流动人口, 农民工, 住房, 住房保障, 居住, 居住融合
Yang Juhua. Housing Source of Migrants and Its Associated Factors[J]. Population Research, 2018, 42(1): 60-75.
杨菊华. 制度要素与流动人口的住房保障[J]. 人口研究, 2018, 42(1): 60-75.
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