Population Research ›› 2019, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (2): 70-75.
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Zhong Shuiying1,Wu Shanshan2
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Abstract: China's economic miracle can be attributed to the effective leverage of its demographic advantage. However, demography is just one of the many factors of economic growth. While China's demographic transition poses a great challenge to its economy, this is a common feature in all demographic economic processes, and cannot be simply blamed on China's population control policies. While quantity used to be the major population and economic problem facing China, at present and in the future the problem is characterized by a more complex nature involving population size, structure and quality impacting on economic development. A large population size does not equal a country success, and has become increasingly decoupled from hard or soft power in the postagricultural era. Considering population growth as a necessary condition for economic growth may blur the focus of population economic relations in the new development stage. Instead of using economic growth as a goal for designing population policies, policymakers should make their only priorities the improvement of the people's social wellbeing and the realization of their potential.
Keywords: Relationship between Population and Economy, Population Control, Economic Growth
摘要: 中国经济奇迹的取得确实是利用了有利人口因素,但后者仅仅是奇迹取得的诸多因素之一,并非充要条件。人口转变迟早会对经济发展带来挑战,这是人口经济过程中的共性问题,并非人口控制政策所导致。中国现在和将来一个较长时期必须应对的是更加复杂的人口数量、结构和质量的综合性矛盾,不能将面临的人口经济问题简单归之于人口控制政策。人口规模大并不是国力强盛和民族复兴的必然表现形式,国家的实力和人民的福祉与人口规模之间的关系在当代已经渐行渐远。将人口增长看成经济增长的必要条件,可能模糊新常态下人口经济关系的焦点。以经济增长为目标来制定人口政策,是舍本逐末,一切应该以人民的社会福利提高和人的全面发展为依归。
关键词: 人口经济关系, 人口控制, 经济增长
Zhong Shuiying,Wu Shanshan.
钟水映,吴珊珊. 新格局下中国人口经济关系的几个认识误区[J]. 人口研究, 2019, 43(2): 70-75.
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