Population Research ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (4): 69-84.

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From Separation to Reunion: An Analysis of the Familization of Migrants in China

Hu Xinqiang1,Zhao Yufeng2   

  1. Hu Xinqiang1,Civil Aviation Management Institute of China;Zhao Yufeng2,Social Development Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research,University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(Graduate School).
  • Online:2021-07-29 Published:2021-08-11
  • About author:Hu Xinqiang is Assistant Researcher,Civil Aviation Management Institute of China;Zhao Yufeng is Assistant Researcher,Social Development Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research,University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(Graduate School).



  1. 扈新强1,中国民航管理干部学院;赵玉峰2,中国宏观经济研究院社会发展研究所、中国社会科学院大学(研究生院)。
  • 作者简介:扈新强,中国民航管理干部学院助理研究员;赵玉峰,中国宏观经济研究院社会发展研究所、中国社会科学院大学(研究生院)助理研究员。

Abstract: This article analyzes the data of 2017 China Migrants Dynamic Survey, exploring the status of the familization of migrants in China. The research redefines the concept and types of the familization of migrants through three aspects, i.e., mobility mode, mobility process, and mobility result. It divides the migrant families into separate families and aggregate families according to the degree of familization. The study finds that the current Chinese migrant families are evolving from separation to reunion. The flow pattern of the Chinese migrants has shifted from singularity to diversification, presenting the characteristics of familybased mobility; the flow process follows three different sequences: “one of the spouses goes first” “husband and wife go first together”, and “other members go first”; and the flow path can be further divided as “separation” and “reunion” based on the husband and wife relationship and the parentchild relationship. These results demonstrate an overall family status of “more reunion and less separation”. An indepth investigation of the degree of familization of the migrants will help to grasp the basic status of the migrant families and provide important implications for urbanization of the migrants.

Keywords: Floating Population, Familization, Separation, Reunion

摘要: 通过分析2017年全国流动人口动态监测调查数据,探讨中国流动人口家庭化状况,从流动模式、过程和结果3个方面对流动人口家庭化的概念、类型进行重新界定,按照家庭化程度将流动人口家庭划分为离散型家庭和聚合型家庭。研究发现,当前中国流动人口家庭呈现出从离散化向聚合化演进的趋势;流动模式从单一性转向多元化,呈现以家庭式流动为主的特征;流动过程遵循“夫妻一方先行”“夫妻共同先行”“其他成员先行”3种流动序列以及以夫妻关系和亲子关系为主的“分”“合”路径;流动结果整体呈现出“聚合多、离散少”的家庭化状态。深入考察流动人口家庭化程度,有助于把握流动人口家庭基本状况,为推进流动人口市民化目标实现提供参考信息。

关键词: 流动人口, 家庭化, 离散, 聚合