Population Research ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (1): 40-55.

• Data Analysis of Population Survey • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Internet Use and the Life of Older Adults Aged 50 and above in Digital Era:Findings from a National Survey

Jin Yongai, Hu Wenbo, Feng Yang   

  • Published:2024-01-29 Online:2024-01-29
  • About Author:Jin Yongai is Associate Professor, Center for Population and Development Studies, Renmin University of China; Hu Wenbo is Master Student, and Feng Yang (Corresponding Author) is PhD Candidate, School of Sociology and Population Studies, Renmin University of China. Email: fengyang1991@ruc.edu.cn


靳永爱, 胡文波, 冯阳   

  • 作者简介:靳永爱,中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心副教授;胡文波,中国人民大学社会与人口学院硕士研究生;冯阳(通讯作者),中国人民大学社会与人口学院博士研究生。电子邮箱:fengyang1991@ruc.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The swift rise in China's ageing population coincides with the rapid advancement of informatization, presenting unparalleled opportunities and challenges in addressing China's ageing issues. From 2010 to 2022, the percentage of internet users within the 50-59 age group escalated from 11.1% to 73.5%, while in the 60 and above age group, it surged from 4.9% to 54.5%. The examination of how internet use impacts the lives of older adults using the latest empirical data has gained increasing significance. Key findings are as follows: It highlights a profound integration of the internet into the lives of older adults; there exists considerable diversity in internet usage patterns among older adults; it remains crucial to recognize the persistent digital divide among older adults, and elevating cybersecurity awareness among them is paramount to safeguard against potential online threats; furthermore, moderate internet use has shown to positively impact healthy ageing and contribute to the subjective well-being of older individuals. These findings underscore the urgent need to create a digital society that accommodates older adults. This necessitates concerted efforts from governments, enterprises, communities, families, and the older adults themselves. Collective participation and collaborative work are pivotal in cultivating an environment that supports and empowers this demographic within the digital landscape.

Keywords: Internet Use, Life of Older Adults, Digital Era, Healthy Ageing

摘要: 中国人口老龄化的加速推进伴随着信息化的快速发展,给人口老龄化应对带来了前所未有的机遇和挑战。从2010年到2022年,50~59岁和60岁及以上人群使用互联网的比例分别从11.1%、4.9%快速提升至73.5%、54.5%。随着互联网在中老年人中快速普及,迫切需要借助新的专项调查数据来探究其中的最新特征和规律。通过分析中国老年群体数字鸿沟与数字融入调查数据,研究发现,中老年上网者互联网使用的深度和广度不断拓展,但数字鸿沟依然存在;中老年上网者互联网使用时长适中,内部异质性强;中老年上网者面临网络安全风险,网络安全教育有所欠缺,网络安全素养有待提升;适度使用互联网对中老年上网者的健康老龄化和主观福祉均有积极影响。建议政府、企业、社区、家庭和老年人个体共同参与,创建老年数字友好型社会。

关键词: 互联网使用, 中老年人生活, 数字时代, 健康老龄化