Population Research ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (1): 56-67.

• Data Analysis of Population Survey • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Are Older People “Addicted” to the Internet? Concepts, Phenomena, and Impacts

Zhai Zhenwu, Zhang Yiyang, Peng Lanling   

  • Published:2024-01-29 Online:2024-01-29
  • About Author:Zhai Zhenwu is Professor, Center for Population and Development Studies, Renmin University of China; Zhang Yiyang and Peng Lanling (Corresponding Author) are PhD Candidates, School of Sociology and Population Studies, Renmin University of China. Email: penglanling940501@163.com


翟振武, 张逸杨, 彭兰凌   

  • 作者简介:翟振武,中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心教授;张逸杨、彭兰凌(通讯作者),中国人民大学社会与人口学院博士研究生。电子邮箱:penglanling940501@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: With the growth of internet usage among older people, concerns about “older adults' internet addiction” frequently appear in media and research. To achieve a comprehensive understanding of “older adults' internet addiction”, this study discusses the concepts, phenomena, and impacts of “internet addiction”. “Internet addiction” is characterized by three features, including “excessive use”, “damage to primary activities and social functions”, and “persistent and prolonged states”. Existing discussions and studies mainly focus on the single dimension of “excessive use”, exaggerating the issue of “older adults' internet addiction”. Data from the “Survey on the Digital Divide and Integration of the Older Adults in China” show a low proportion of older people who are addicted to the Internet. Currently, the main challenge in the internet lives of older adults is how to deal with the “digital divide”. To enhance the internet accessibility and proficiency of older adults, we suggest upgrading the intelligent device hardware, software, and functions for their convenience and providing guidance on smartphone use for older people. This will help older adults benefit from the development dividends in the internet era.

Keywords: Older Adults Internet Addiction, Digital Divide, Active Response to Population Ageing

摘要: 随着老年人被快速卷入互联网生活,“老年人网络沉迷”的担忧频频见于报道和研究中。客观认识“老年人网络沉迷”问题,需要结合“网络沉迷”的概念、现象与影响进行讨论。“网络沉迷”具有“过度使用”“主业和社会功能损伤”和“持续状态久”3个维度。现有讨论和研究往往仅用“过度使用”的单一维度来衡量,从而夸大和泛化了“老年人网络沉迷”问题。中国老年群体数字鸿沟与数字融入调查显示,真正沉迷网络的老年人比例很低。当前,老年人互联网使用中更紧要的问题仍然是数字鸿沟的应对。建议从智能设备硬件全面适老化改造、互联网软件和功能全面适老化改造、全面开展老年人智能手机使用培训3个方面发力,不断提升老年人互联网普及率和使用水平,促进老年人共享互联网时代发展红利。

关键词: 老年人网络沉迷, 数字鸿沟, 积极应对人口老龄化