Population Research ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (4): 3-18.

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The Impact of Fertility Support Policy on Fertility Desire of the Reproductive-Age Population: An Empirical Analysis Based on 2021 Chengdu Specialized Survey

Wang Zhuo, Li Menghe   

  • Published:2024-07-29 Online:2024-07-29
  • About Author:Wang Zhuo is Professor,School of Public Administration,Sichuan University;Li Menghe is PhD Candidate,School of International Studies,China Western Frontier Security and Development Strategy Synergetic Innovation Center,Sichuan University. Email: wzhuoscu@163.com


王卓, 李梦鹤   

  • 作者简介:王卓,四川大学公共管理学院教授;李梦鹤,四川大学国际关系学院、中国西部边疆安全与发展协同创新中心博士研究生。电子邮箱:wzhuoscu@163.com

Abstract: To explore the impact of fertility support policy on fertility desire and its mechanisms, this study divides fertility support policy into pregnancy support policy and parenting support policy based on fertility behavior, and conductes empirical analysis using the special survey data of “Effectiveness evaluation of fertility policy and supporting measures” in Chengdu in 2021. The results show that there is a significant positive relationship between pregnancy support policy and fertility desire, while the relationship between parenting support policy and fertility intention is not supported by empirical evidence. In further exploring of the differential mechanisms of fertility cost perceptions and fertility preferences in the impact of pregnancy support policies on fertility desire, the childbearing age groups can be classified into four categories: “daring but not willing to give birth”, “not willing and not daring to give birth”, “daring and willing to give birth” and “willing but not daring to give birth”. Different policy directions are applicable to different types of childbearing age groups under different mechanisms. Therefore, constructing a long-term fertility support policy system requires the scientific identification of target groups and precise policies to improve policy effectiveness and to effectively enhance fertility levels.

Keywords: Fertility Support Policy, Fertility Desire, Fertility Cost Perceptions, Fertility Preferences, Policy Tools

摘要: 在少子化背景下,为深入探究生育支持政策对生育意愿的影响及其具体作用机制,以生育行为为分界,将生育支持政策细分为孕育支持政策和养育支持政策,并基于2021年成都市“人口生育政策配套措施效果评价”专项调查数据开展实证分析。研究发现,孕育支持政策与生育意愿之间存在显著的正向关系,养育支持政策与生育意愿之间的关系则未得到实证支持;进一步探究生育成本观和生育偏好观在孕育支持政策对生育意愿影响中的差异化作用机制,可将育龄群体分为“敢生不愿生”型、“不敢生不愿生”型、“敢生愿生”型和“愿生不敢生”型4类,适用于不同类型育龄群体的政策指向不同。因此,构建长效的生育支持政策体系需要科学识别目标群体,精准施策,以提高政策效能,有效提升生育水平。

关键词: 生育支持政策, 生育意愿, 生育成本观, 生育偏好观, 政策工具