Population Research ›› 2018, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 39-53.

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 The Impact of Urbanization on China’s Future Rural and Urban Age Structure

Meng Xiangjing1 and Jiang Kaidi2   

  1. Meng Xiangjing is Associate ProfessorInstitute of Population ResearchRenmin University of China.Emailmengxjruc.edu.cnJiang Kaidi Works in Putuo District Development and Reform Commission in Shanghai.
  • Online:2018-03-29 Published:2018-05-18
  • About author:Meng Xiangjing is Associate Professor,Institute of Population Research,Renmin University of China.Email:mengxj@ ruc.edu.cn;Jiang Kaidi Works in Putuo District Development and Reform Commission in Shanghai.



  1. 孟向京中国人民大学社会与人口学院副教授北京100872姜凯迪上海市普陀区发展和改革委员会科员
  • 作者简介:孟向京,中国人民大学社会与人口学院副教授,北京:100872;姜凯迪,上海市普陀区发展和改革委员会科员。
  • 基金资助:
    本研究受中国人民大学科学研究基金明德青年学者项目中国生态移民理论与实践研究” (项目号11XNJ016资助

Abstract: Along with the social and economic development and urbanization policyChina's urbanization has entered into an accelerating period and the ruralurban migration becomes a major driving force.According to the national urban planningChina??s urbanization rate would reach to 60% in 2020and 70% in 2030,respectively.Using the 2000 and 2010 population census data and population balancing equationthis paper makes an estimation of the agespecific ruralurban transfer rate between 2000-2010 and conducts prediction of rural and urban age structure in 2010-2030.The results suggest that population ageing in rural area would speed up and the old dependency ratio in rural area would
become much higher than that in urban area.Working age population would also face the problem of ageing.The school age population would decrease in rural area and increase in urban area.Both rural and urban area will face the challenge of the rapid change of age structure.The society needs to plan and prepare well for both rural and urban age structure changefocusing especially on the equal right for migrants in urban area and the development of rural area.

Keywords: Urbanization, Age Structure, Ruralurban Migration, Population Projection

摘要: 随着社会经济的发展和国家对新型城镇化的推动中国人口城镇化进入加速阶段城人口转移也越来越活跃乡城人口转移不仅会带来乡城人口数量和比例的变化还会影响乡城人口的年龄结构进而影响乡城的社会经济发展以及城镇化的水平和速度文章利用中国第五次和第
六次人口普查数据以及要素推算法估算了 2000~2010 年间乡城人口的转移规模和分年龄转移率在此基础上推算出乡城人口转移条件下中国未来乡城人口年龄结构的变化结果表明未来乡城会面临比较剧烈的人口年龄结构变化农村总人口抚养比将大幅度上升老龄化程度和速度都远高于城

关键词: 城镇化, 人口年龄结构, 乡城迁移, 人口预测