Population Research ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (3): 114-128.

• High-quality Population Development and Active Response to Population Ageing • Previous Articles    

The Influence of Adverse Experiences on the Health of Chinese Older Adults: Mechanism Analysis of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Moderating Analysis of Current Experiences

Zhao Menghan, Huang Yuanfeng   

  • Published:2024-05-29 Online:2024-05-29
  • About Author:Zhao Menghan is Associate Professor, Center for Population and Development Studies, School of Population and Health, Renmin University of China; Huang Yuanfeng is Master Student, School of Population and Health, Renmin University of China. Email:sophiezhaomh@gmail.com


赵梦晗, 黄远丰   

  • 作者简介:赵梦晗,中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心、人口与健康学院副教授;黄远丰,中国人民大学人口与健康学院硕士研究生。电子邮箱:sophiezhaomh@gmail.com
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: China has recently implemented strategies to actively address population ageing and healthy China. Understanding the influence of adverse experiences on older adults’ health helps improve the lifelong health service policy. Using data from the China Longitudinal Ageing Social Survey (CLASS) conducted in 2018 and 2020, this study analyzes the impact of adverse childhood experiences on older adults’ health and the mediating effect of individuals’ years of education, health behaviors, and budget constraints. Results show that adverse childhood experiences negatively affect older adults’ health indirectly through education or budget constraints. Further analysis shows that positive current experiences benefit older adults’ self-rated health and activities of daily living, while adverse current experiences have negative impacts on multiple dimensions of health. Adverse childhood experiences moderate the impact of adverse current experiences. In contrast to those without adverse childhood experiences, adverse current experiences have smaller negative effects on the self-rated health and chronic diseases of those who have experienced adverse childhood experiences.

Keywords: Life Course, Adverse Childhood Experiences, Current Experiences, Older Adults’s Health, Mediation Effect

摘要: 在实施积极应对人口老龄化国家战略和健康中国战略的背景下,理解负性事件对老年人健康的影响有利于完善全方位全周期健康服务政策。使用2018年和2020年中国老年社会追踪调查(CLASS)数据,考察负性童年事件对老年人健康的影响和作用机制,及其在现期事件影响中的调节效应。研究发现,负性童年事件通过影响老年人的受教育水平或预算约束间接对其健康产生负面影响;积极现期事件对老年人的自评健康和日常生活自理能力有正面影响,负性现期事件对老年人多个维度的健康状况有负面影响;负性童年事件在负性现期事件的影响上存在调节效应,相比于未经历过负性童年事件的老年人,负性现期事件对经历过负性童年事件的老年人的自评健康和慢性病数量的负面影响更小。

关键词: 生命历程, 负性童年事件, 现期事件, 老年人健康, 中介效应