Population Research ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (4): 84-98.

• Ageing Studies • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Effect of Social Activities on the Consumption of the Young Old

Sheng Yinan, Shang Jiajia   

  • Published:2024-07-29 Online:2024-07-29
  • About Author:Sheng Yinan is Professor, and Shang Jiajia (Corresponding Author) is PhD Candidate, School of Labor Economics, Capital University of Economics and Business. Email: shangjiaj@126.com


盛亦男, 尚佳佳   

  • 作者简介:盛亦男,首都经济贸易大学劳动经济学院教授;尚佳佳(通讯作者),首都经济贸易大学劳动经济学院博士研究生。电子邮箱:shangjiaj@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: With the cohort replacement and rapid growth of older population, the young older adults have become the main force driving older adults' consumption, gaining growing importance in overall residential consumption. Based on data from the 2018 China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS), this study empirically examines the impact of social activities on the consumption of the young older adults. Results show that the diversity of social activities and the frequency of social participation significantly increase consumption levels, and contribute to the upgrading of consumption patterns. The participation in social activities of the young older adults weakens the negative effect of early family economic disadvantages on consumption levels. Furthermore, the effects of social activities are more pronounced in increasing the consumption levels of the young older adults who are in areas with a higher inclination toward cultural services. In light of these findings, the study advocates for increased investment in public cultural services, establishment of diverse social platforms, and encouragement of the young older adults to engage in diverse and frequent social activities. Simultaneously, it is important to regulate the development of industries catering to older adults to diversify their consumption patterns and unlock their consumption potentials.

Keywords: Social Activities, Young Older Adults, Consumption of Older Adults, Family Economic Disadvantages in Early Life

摘要: 随着队列更替和老年人数量快速增长,新一代老年人成为老年消费的主力军,在居民消费中的重要性逐渐凸显。基于2018年中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS)数据,实证检验参与社交活动对新一代老年人消费的影响。研究结果表明,新一代老年人社交丰富度和社交活跃度的提升都能显著提高消费水平,促进消费结构升级。调节效应分析显示,新一代老年人社交活动参与可以削弱早期家庭经济劣势对消费水平的负向影响。异质性分析显示,社交活动参与对位于高文化服务偏向型地区的新一代老年人消费水平的提高效果更明显。鉴于此,应增加地方公共文化服务支出,建立多样化老年社交平台,鼓励新一代老年人增加社交种类、提高社交频率,同时规范老龄产业发展,推动老年消费模式多元化,挖掘新一代老年人的消费潜力。

关键词: 社交活动, 新一代老年人, 老年消费, 早期家庭经济劣势