Population Research ›› 2010, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (6): 10-18.
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Song Yueping
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Abstract: With a dynamic perspective,this paper studies the gender difference in labor market assmiliation process of rural migrants using a data set of National Floating Population Supervision Survey in Major Cities conducted in 2010 by National Population and Family Planning Commission of China.We estimate a duration model of job search to compare the time spent by male and female migrants in job search.And we find that although women spend less time in job search,but their possibility to find high income job is lower than that of men,and they are more willing to accept low income job.What’s more,the gender difference in job search behavior will eventually lead to gender differentiated pattern of social integration into the urban society.
摘要: 文章以扩展传统的流动人口社会融合的静态研究视角,使用国家人口计生委2010年上半年流动人口动态监测调查数据,从男女农村流动人口工作搜寻时间的角度进一步比较农村流动人口融入流入地劳动力市场过程的性别差异及影响因素。文章采用持续时间模型,通过研究农村流动人口在流入地城市找工作所花费时间的影响因素,发现虽然在给定时间内,女性流动人口在流入地找到工作所花费的时间比男性要短,但女性找到高收入工作的概率要低于男性,而接受低收入工作的概率要大于男性,从而导致"性别区隔"的流动人口社会融入模式。
关键词: 流动人口, 社会融合, 工作搜寻, 持续时间模型, 性别差异
Song Yueping. Gender Difference in Migrants’ Social Integration:A Duration Model of Job Search [J]. Population Research, 2010, 34(6): 10-18.
宋月萍. 社会融合中的性别差异:流动人口工作搜寻时间的实证分析[J]. 人口研究, 2010, 34(6): 10-18.
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