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The Shift of Marriage and Procreation Culture in China and Its Demographic Consequences
Shi Renbing, Wang Jun
Population Research    2023, 47 (6): 78-90.  
Abstract515)      PDF (1237KB)(420)       Save
Previous studies on the shifts of Chinese marriage and procreation culture did not reveal the essential characteristics of various cultures or the deep-seated socio-economic background. Based on the examination of mainstream societal values, this study reveals that in traditional Chinese society, people's marriage and procreation behaviors were deeply influenced by Familism. This dominant familism marriage and procreation culture adores “perpetuating the family line”, “early and abundant childbirth” and “more children bring more blessings”. With the establishment and development of socialist market economy, Materialistic values have spread in contemporary China. Materialism is gradually replacing Familism, becoming the new dominant force in marriage and procreation culture. Materialism culture of marriage and procreation, at its core, is a culture of low fertility. It exerts influence on individuals' attitudes and behaviors related to marriage and procreation through a series of intermediate factors, resulting in attitudes of “unwillingness to have children” “daring not to give births” and “inability to have children”. To achieve a moderate fertility level, it is necessary to weaken the influence of Materialism and shape a healthy society that is characterized by individual autonomy and a sense of community.
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Fertility Trends in Four Provinces in Southwest China Before and After the TwoChild Policy Adjustment
Shi Renbing,Hu Bo and Ning Wenyuan
Population Research    2019, 43 (2): 45-60.  
Abstract335)      PDF (2517KB)(376)       Save
Based on four provinces data, including Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan, from 2017 China Fertility Survey, this paper evaluates the fertility level of southwest China before and after policy adjustment in terms of period and cohort fertility level, and examines the provincial differences. The results show that: First, TFR has been increasing substantially since 2016, which is caused almost completely by the rise of TFR for second birth. Second, average age at first marriage and age at first birth have been delayed, leading to lower level of TFR for first birth and decreased average number of children even born for younger women. Third, the increase of average number of children even born and ratio of parity progression for second birth for women aged 35 to 39, especially for those with nonagricultural Hukou, reflect the policy adjustment effects. Finally, there are marked regional and group differences in fertility level in Southwest China. Fertility is higher in Guizhou and Yunnan, compared to Chongqing and Sichuan; and is higher in women with agricultural Hukou than those with nonagricultural Hukou. Policy adjustment effects are more significant in women with nonagricultural Hukou.
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Intergenerational Investment and Intergenerational Economic Support of the Rural Elderly: Intergenerational Cooperation and Family Utility
Hu Shiyong,Shi Renbing
Population Research    2016, 40 (5): 92-103.  
Abstract471)      PDF (213KB)(878)       Save
By analyzing a nationally representative survey data,this paper responds to the classic proposition of the relationship between family intergenerational cooperation and family utility,focusing on the influence of intergenerational investment on the intergenerational economic support of the rural elderly in China.Using logistic multivariate model and propensity score matching method,we have found that parent income and number of offspring affect the relationship between offspring investment and rural elderly intergenerational economic support.In the three-generation intergenerational exchange,the investment on the grandchild generation has a significantly positive impact on the intergenerational economic support of the rural elderly.In the three-generation inter-generational cooperation,the investment on the third generation has a positive impact on family utility.In the context of the positive relationship between intergenerational cooperation and utility of rural elderly family,fertility preferences become an important parameter affecting family utility,being aware of the imbalance of intergenerational exchange and the growth of the child-generation family utility.
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Factors Affecting the Participation of Endowment Insurance of Urban-to-urban Migrants in China
Shi Renbing,Chen Ning
Population Research    2015, 39 (4): 102-.  
Abstract1450)            Save
Based on the dynamic monitoring data of floating population from National Health and Family Planning Commission in 2013, this study conducts binary logistic regression to analyze the influencing factors for urban-to-urban migrant population on the endowment insurance participation. The results show that personal characteristics, such as gender, age and education, are closely related to the enrollment. Males and people aged from 25 to 34 and with higher education are more likely to participate. Employer type, income and housing situation are most important economic and social factors that influence the endowment insurance participation of the floating population. Migrants working in foreign invested enterprises are most likely to participate. Those with high income or possessing their own houses are also more likely to enroll. Types of destination, duration and distance also have significant impact on the participation behavior. The floating population in central China has lower rate of enrollment than those in east and west China. The cross-county migrants are more willing to attend than the cross-city and cross-province ones. The longer the migrants stay, the higher the probability of participation is.
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Changing Patterns of Sex Ratio at Birth in China:A Comparative Analysis of Data from the Fifth and Sixth Censuses of China
Shi Renbing
Population Research    2013, 37 (2): 66-72.  
Abstract2981)      PDF (750KB)(2528)       Save
Using data from the 2000  and 2010  censuses ,this  paper  examines  changing  patterns  of  sex ratio at birth ( SRB) in China. The two censuses documented increasing SRBs at first parity ,in urban are as ,for  minority  ethnic  groups ,and  at  all  educational  levels ; lessening  gaps  across  the  provinces ,between urban and  rural  areas ,between  the  Han  and  ethnic  minorities ,and  between  birth  orders ; and  increasing number of provinces subject to highly and extremely abnormal SRB. The observed changing patterns of China ’s SRB suggest that in the past 10  years ,high SRB has spread from the Han nationality to ethnic minorities ,from the countryside to the cities ,from the higher birth order to the lower birth order ,from lower education to the highly educated women. 
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Demographic Transition: A Term that Could Be Expanded Unlimitedly?
Shi Renbing
Population Research    2012, 36 (2): 11-18.  
Abstract2448)      PDF (153KB)(2796)       Save
"Demographic Transition",which was first proposed in 1929 by the Warren Thompson,is a model depicting population changes,or transitions in birth and death rates over time in industrialized societies,and the theory of Demographic Transition becomes one of the most important theories in demography.In the late 1980s,Van de Kaa & Lesthaeghe put forward "Second Demographic Transition"(SDT) to describe population,marriage and family change and low fertility since World War Two in Western European countries.In less than a decade,Coleman suggested the "third Demographic Transition"(TDT) to interpret the change of ethnic structure caused by low fertility rate and high immigration rate in Western countries.While the demographers who invented the new concepts SDT and TDT did very enlightening and valuable work,it seems to be inappropriate to use "Demographic Transition" to describe all the new developments in population.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
Family Planning Rewards Policy in Rural China:Political Risks and Reform Suggestions
Shi Renbing, Li Ming
Population Research    2011, 35 (2): 105-112.  
Abstract2024)      PDF (203KB)(1290)       Save
The rural family planning rewards policy has been greatly appreciated in rural China,which is being praised ’a significant innovation’ and has won an international reputation for Chinese family planning policy.However,in the context of changing population trends and inevitability of adjusting China’s Family Planning Policy,this article argues that there are political risks in the current family planning policy which aims at low fertility.In view of the situation of the new rural old-age insurance policy being experimented,that paper suggests that the family planning rewards policy be incorporated into the experimental old-age insurance policy,with specific ideas and methods of the policy reform.Finally,the article also discusses the problems that may occur in the policy conversion process and the coping strategies.
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Cited: Baidu(4)
Low Fertility Trap:Truth or Myth?
Shi Renbing
Population Research    2010, 34 (2): 107-112.  
Abstract2959)      PDF (763KB)(1456)       Save
 Total fertility rate in most European countries has experienced a shape decline since 1980s,with many having very low fertility rate.Hypotheses have been offered to explain why fertility keep declining when they are already very low in many countries.The low fertility trap which has been advanced by Lutz and his collaborators is one of the most popular theories.According to Lutz and his co-workers’ opinion,once the TFRs have declined to level below 1.5,it is by no means easy to rise up to that level because of the self-reinforcing mechanisms of the very low fertility rate.In this paper,the author introduces the low fertility trap hypothesis and the self-reinforcing mechanisms,the core concept of Lutz’s theory.After analyzing the three parts of the low fertility self-reinforcing mechanism(population dynamics,sociological reasoning and economic rationale)and combining the fact that fertility have raised in some very low fertility countries in recent years,the author argue that it is too early to say that low fertility trap is true.
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Cited: Baidu(7)
Sex-Selective Childbearing: New Situation and Countermeasures
Shi Renbing
Population Research    2006, 30 (5): 72-76.  
Abstract1252)      PDF (95KB)(1023)       Save
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