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Influencing Factors of Chinese Elderly Migrants Residence Intention from the Perspective of Social Integration
Chen Yingzi, Zhao Yugang, Hu Yaqi
Population Research    2022, 46 (1): 97-112.  
Abstract817)      PDF (13380KB)(159)       Save
Treating the elderly migrants as a homogeneous group would weaken individual subjective initiative.Therefore, the latent class analysis method is used based on the perspective of social integration to classify the research objects into active integration and passive integration. There is heterogeneity in the preferences of residing willingness. Older people in the category of active integration prefer to choose longterm residence. It is found that the factors affecting the residing willingness of older people who belong to passive integration have increased significantly. Compared with the whole sample, the classified willingness to stay is significantly affected by personal characteristics. To accouont for the higher social integration demand and different residence intention, the government should coordinate the household registration demand and housing security of elderly migrants, actively promote the capacity construction of endowment service, constantly improve the medical security level of elderly migrants, and carry out the demonstration district construction to promote the social integration of elderly migrants.
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From Separation to Reunion: An Analysis of the Familization of Migrants in China
Hu Xinqiang, Zhao Yufeng
Population Research    2021, 45 (4): 69-84.  
Abstract885)      PDF (7252KB)(806)       Save
This article analyzes the data of 2017 China Migrants Dynamic Survey, exploring the status of the familization of migrants in China. The research redefines the concept and types of the familization of migrants through three aspects, i.e., mobility mode, mobility process, and mobility result. It divides the migrant families into separate families and aggregate families according to the degree of familization. The study finds that the current Chinese migrant families are evolving from separation to reunion. The flow pattern of the Chinese migrants has shifted from singularity to diversification, presenting the characteristics of familybased mobility; the flow process follows three different sequences: “one of the spouses goes first” “husband and wife go first together”, and “other members go first”; and the flow path can be further divided as “separation” and “reunion” based on the husband and wife relationship and the parentchild relationship. These results demonstrate an overall family status of “more reunion and less separation”. An indepth investigation of the degree of familization of the migrants will help to grasp the basic status of the migrant families and provide important implications for urbanization of the migrants.
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“Getting Old before Getting Rich”in China: A Regional Perspective
Zhong Shuiying, Zhao Yu, Ren Jingru
Population Research    2015, 39 (1): 63-.  
Abstract948)      PDF (235KB)(1172)       Save
The regional perspective of“getting old before getting rich”in China is framed by the comparison in population ageing between less developed and more developed areas. Basing on the connotation of this phenomenon,this paper constructs measurement indexes to describe the phenomenon quantitatively and analyzes the severity,trends and causes of this phenomenon in China. The results show that,while trends in population aging in different regions across China are broadly consistent with regional levels of economic development,spatial patterns of ageing have been changing. The inter-regional trend of“getting old before getting rich”has become increasingly severe. The reasons why the phenomenon becomes increasingly serious are the dramatic growth in migrant population,which is highly age selective and concentrated in the developed regions.
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