人口研究 ›› 2008, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 67-78.

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  1. 1 西安交通大学公共政策与管理学院人口与发展研究所,陕西 710049;2 西安交通大学管理学院,陕西 710049
  • 出版日期:2008-09-29 发布日期:2012-12-03
  • 作者简介:1 西安交通大学公共政策与管理学院人口与发展研究所教授、博生士导师;2 西安交通大学管理学院博士生
  • 基金资助:

    教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”(NCET—07—0668);国家自然科学基金(70671083));“长江学者”奖励计划;西安交通大学“985工程”二期重点项目(07200701);美国Santa Fe Institute国际项目基金;斯坦福大学联合资助项目课题

ural Migrant Worker’s Attitudes Towards Pre-marital and Extramarital Sexual Behaviors: A study of Social Networks

Jin Xiaoyi1, Ren Feng2, Yue Zhongshan2   

  1. 1 Institute of Population and Development Studies, School of Public Policy and Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Shanxi 710049; 2 School of Public Policy and Management,Xi’an Jiaotong University, Shanxi 710049
  • Online:2008-09-29 Published:2012-12-03
  • About author:1 Professor, Institute of Population and Development Studies, School of Public Policy and Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University; 2 PhD Students, School of Public Policy and Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University

摘要: 文章利用2005年深圳农民工专项调查数据,定量分析农民工的社会网络对"未婚先孕"和"婚外恋"态度的影响。研究发现,社会网络是促使农民工婚恋观念转化的重要途径之一,网络规模和网络成员的观念显著影响了农民工对"未婚先孕"和"婚外恋"的态度;社会融合程度越高的农民工的婚恋观念更容易趋同于城市市民;与男性相比,女性更加反对"未婚先孕"和"婚外恋",观念更趋传统。农民工在"未婚先孕"和"婚外恋"的变化促进了农民工与城市社会在文化价值观念上的融合,但也有可能加剧"未婚先孕"和"婚外恋"的发生。

关键词: 农民工, 社会网络, 婚前性行为, 婚外性行为

Abstract: Using survey data of rural migrant workers in Shenzhen in 2005,this paper analyzes effects of social networks on rural migrant workers’ attitudes towards pre-marital pregnancy and extra-marital sexual behaviors.The results show that social networks is the key approach to change their marriage and sex attitudes,and number and attitudes of network members have significant effects on their attitudes towards pre-marital pregnancy and extra-marital sexual behaviors.The better the rural migrants integrate to the urban society,the closer their attitudes to those of permanent urban residents.Compared with male rural migrants,female rural migrants are less likely to accept pre-marital pregnancy and extra-marital sexual behaviors.Modernization of their marriage and sex attitudes helps their social integration into the urban society in terms of culture and value but might stimulate the occurrence of pre-marital pregnancy and extra-marital sexual behaviors.

Keywords: Rural migrant workers, Social networks, Pre-marital sexual behaviors, Extra-marital sexual behaviors