人口研究 ›› 2010, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (6): 19-31.

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  1. 1 《人口研究》编辑部,北京 100872;2 国家统计局,北京;3 国家统计局,北京;4 北京市统计局,北京;5 中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心,北京 100872;6 中国人民大学社会与人口学院,北京 100872
  • 出版日期:2010-11-29 发布日期:2012-11-25
  • 作者简介:5 中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心教授;6 中国人民大学社会与人口学院博士研究生

Experiences from China’s Sixth National Population Census

Wang Qian1, Cui Hongyan2, Li Rui3, Pang Jiangqing4, Chen Wei5, Yang Shenghui6   

  • Online:2010-11-29 Published:2012-11-25

摘要: 近一两年来,各机构、组织、刊物举办的有关第六次人口普查的各种研讨会、论坛相当频繁,国内外学者、各部门和各级别的政府官员在各种刊物、网络媒体上发表 的有关中国第六次人口普查的文章数不胜数。《人口研究》编辑部一年前曾经组织了一期论坛"2010年第六次全国人口普查:挑战与展望",时隔一年,在第六次人口普查刚刚结束之时,再次就第六次人口普查的有关问题举办论坛进行讨论。第六次人口普查可谓当前中国人口研究和实际工作的焦点、热点、难点。社会各界对第六次人口普查也充满了期待。本次论坛邀请了来自国家统计局(作为主管全国人口普查工作的政府部门)、北京市统计局(作为实际工作部门)和中国人民大学(作为研究部门)的专家学者,就我国第六次人口普查在哪些方面进行了改进和改革、第六次人口普查在试点和登记工作中存在的困难和问题,以及第六次人口普查的经验和启示进行讨论。


Abstract: China has just conducted the 6th national population census,with the enumeration taking place during 1-10 November 2010.Over the last few years,there have been many studies and conferences devoted to the 6th census,the central theme being challenges and suggestions as what the Population and Development Forum discussed a year ago organized by this journal.Today the journal has the forum again on the 6th census,discussing experiences from the conduct of the census.Three papers on different aspects of the census have contributed to the forum.The first paper by Cui Hongyan and Li Rui from National Bureau of Statistics of China examines developments in China’s population censuses over the last six decades,involving improvement in organization and implementation,expansion in census contents and items,upgrade in census techniques,improvement in means of data processing,and implementation of census law according to which the census is conducted.The second paper by Pang Jiangqian from Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics analyzes difficulties in conducting the 6th census in locating census objects as a result of increasing mobility,getting cooperation from residents,and recruiting competent census enumerators.Improved census approaches are discussed in the paper.The third paper by Chen Wei and Yang Shenghui from People’s University of China provides experiences and lessons learned from the 6th census based on their participation in the pilot survey and census preparation and enumeration work.Wang Qian,from National Population and Family Planning Commission of China,is invited to preside the forum,and offers critical comments to the three papers.