人口研究 ›› 2012, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3): 62-67.

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  1. 中国老龄科学研究中心,北京: 100011
  • 出版日期:2012-05-29 发布日期:2012-11-07
  • 作者简介:中国老龄科学研究中心副主任、经济学博士。北京: 100011

On the Theoretical Basis of Dealing With China′s Population Aging

Dang Junwu   

  • Online:2012-05-29 Published:2012-11-07

摘要: 文章从内容、性质、根源、表现形态等方面对老龄问题进行了重新界定,认为必须从社会形态理论和人类社会发展兴衰之道的高度重新认识老龄问题。结论是:30年来中国老龄问题研究的核心议题即应对人口老龄化一以贯之,但研究视角发生了"老年人问题—结构性问题—社会形态—兴衰之道"的转变,反映了不同阶段应对人口老龄化的研究取向和理论基础的重要转变,即从问题研究(问题取向)到社会形态研究(理论取向)的转变,从解决问题到建构新的社会形态的转变,但根本上是从应对之术到应对之道术俱进的转变。文章提出,必须着眼长远,立足当前,从中华民族兴衰的高度,居盛思衰,把握人口老龄化的应对之道,为国家的长治久安作出战略安排,确保老龄社会条件下顺利实现民族伟大复兴的宏伟目标。

关键词: 人口老龄化, 理论基础, 应对之道, 社会形态, 民族兴衰

Abstract: The content,nature,source and manifestations of aging issues are redefined in this paper from the perspectives of social form theory and the history of rise and fall of human societies.The article argues that the core theme dealing with aging issues has been consistent over the last three decades,whereas researches have turned to multiple perspectives i.e."elderly issue-structure issue-social form-social rise and fall",reflecting an important transition of research orientation and theoretical basis,that is the transition from research on practical issues(issue orientation) to research on social form(theory orientation),from finding solutions to building new social form.The paper suggests that aging issues be dealt with in a long term perspective,guaranteeing the stability of the country and achieving great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Keywords: Population Aging, Ageing Problem, Theoretical Basis, Social Form