人口研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 97-112.

• 老龄问题研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 陈英姿1,吉林大学东北亚研究中心、东北亚学院教授;赵玉港2、胡亚琪3(通讯作者),吉林大学东北亚学院博士研究生。
  • 出版日期:2022-01-29 发布日期:2022-03-14
  • 作者简介:陈英姿,吉林大学东北亚研究中心、东北亚学院教授;赵玉港、胡亚琪(通讯作者),吉林大学东北亚学院博士研究生。

Influencing Factors of Chinese Elderly Migrants Residence Intention from the Perspective of Social Integration

Chen Yingzi1,Zhao Yugang2,Hu Yaqi3   

  1. Chen Yingzi 1, Center for Northeast Asian Research, Northeast Asian Studies College, Jilin University; Zhao Yugang 2and Hu Yaqi3(Corresponding Author), Northeast Asian Studies College, Jilin University.
  • Online:2022-01-29 Published:2022-03-14
  • About author:Chen Yingzi , Center for Northeast Asian Research, Northeast Asian Studies College, Jilin University; Zhao Yugang and Hu Yaqi (Corresponding Author), Northeast Asian Studies College, Jilin University.

摘要: 将老年流动人口视为同质性群体易忽视其个体主观能动性,因此从社会融合视角,利用潜在类别分析方法将老年流动人口进行分类,分为积极融合型和消极融合型。不同类型老年流动人口居留意愿选择偏好存在异质性,积极融合型老年流动人口更倾向于选择“长期居留”。对比其影响因素的差异,发现消极融合型老年流动人口“长期居留”意愿的影响因素明显增多。与全样本对比,潜在类别划分后的老年流动人口居留意愿受个人特征影响显著。针对较高的社会融入需求和不同的居留意愿,应统筹做好老年流动人口户籍需求和住房保障,积极推进老年流动人口养老服务能力建设,不断提升老年流动人口医疗卫生保障质量,开展老年流动人口示范街区建设,提高老年流动人口社会融合能力。

关键词: 老年流动人口, 居留意愿, 社会融合, 潜在类别条件Logit模型

Abstract: Treating the elderly migrants as a homogeneous group would weaken individual subjective initiative.Therefore, the latent class analysis method is used based on the perspective of social integration to classify the research objects into active integration and passive integration. There is heterogeneity in the preferences of residing willingness. Older people in the category of active integration prefer to choose longterm residence. It is found that the factors affecting the residing willingness of older people who belong to passive integration have increased significantly. Compared with the whole sample, the classified willingness to stay is significantly affected by personal characteristics. To accouont for the higher social integration demand and different residence intention, the government should coordinate the household registration demand and housing security of elderly migrants, actively promote the capacity construction of endowment service, constantly improve the medical security level of elderly migrants, and carry out the demonstration district construction to promote the social integration of elderly migrants.

Keywords: Elderly Migrants, Residence Intention, Social Integration, LatentClass Conditional Logit model