Population Research ›› 2018, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 61-73.

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Relationship between Urban-Rural Income Gap and Urbanization#br#

Zhang Yaojun and Chai Duoduo   

  1. Zhang Yaojun is Professor,Center for Population and Development Studies,Renming University of China. Email: zhyaojunruc@126.com; Chai Duoduo is Management Trainee,Head Office of Bank of China.
  • Online:2018-11-29 Published:2018-12-28
  • Contact: Zhang Yaojun is Professor,Center for Population and Development Studies,Renming University of China. Email: zhyaojunruc@126.com;
  • About author:Zhang Yaojun is Professor,Center for Population and Development Studies,Renming University of China. Email: zhyaojunruc@126.com; Chai Duoduo is Management Trainee,Head Office of Bank of China.


张耀军 柴多多   

  1. 张耀军,中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心教授,北京:100872;柴多多,中国银行总行管理培训生。 北京:100818
  • 通讯作者: 张耀军,中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心教授,北京:100872。Email: zhyaojunruc@126.com;
  • 作者简介:张耀军,中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心教授,北京:100872;柴多多,中国银行总行管理培训生。 北京:100818
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Population urbanization and urban-rural income gap affect each other. Based on prefecture-level data of urbanization rate and urban-rural income ratio in mainland China, we examine this mutual impact by conducting three econometric models, including ordinary multiple linear regression (OLS), simultaneous equation model (SEM) and spatial simultaneous equation model (SSEM). We suggest that spatial simultaneous equation model (SSEM) should be used because of the simultaneity and spatial autocorrelation between urbanization rate and urban-rural income gap. The regression results show that the urbanrural income ratio decreases when the local and surrounding areas are more urbanized. And high urban-rural income ratios in surrounding areas inhibit the urbanization process in the local area. Moreover, economic development and the promotion of human capital contribute to higher urbanization level and lower urban-rural income ratio. Based on these results, policy implications are discussed on how to narrow the urban-rural income gap at the broad spatial level and to increase human capital through educational development.

Keywords: Population Urbanization ,  , Urban-Rural Income Gap ,  , Mutual Impact ,  , Spatial Simultaneous Equation Model

摘要: 人口城镇化与城乡收入差距相互影响。文章在以往研究的基础上,利用全国各地市人口城镇化率与城乡收入比数据,引入社会经济变量,建立普通多元线性回归(OLS)、联立方程(SEM)和空间联立方程(SSEM)计量模型,验证城镇化率与城乡收入差距变量联立性与空间自相关性并存条件下,使用空间联立方程模型的必要性。回归结果表明:该地及周边地区城镇化水平的提高均有利于缩小该地城乡收入差距,周边地区城乡收入差距的扩大对该地的城镇化会有明显的阻碍作用;经济进步与人力资本水平的提升有利于在推动城镇化进程的同时缩小城乡收入差距。故此,提出在全局层面协同施策缩小城乡收入差距,并通过发展教育着力提高人力资本水平的相应建议。

关键词: 人口城镇化 , 城乡收入差距 , 耦合 , 空间联立方程