Population Research ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (6): 100-114.

• Population and Society • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Can Physical Exercises Reduce Health Inequality? Evidence from the “Famine Generation”

Wang Fubaihui, He Xiaotong, Yang Fan   

  • Published:2024-11-29 Online:2024-11-29
  • About Author:Wang Fubaihui is Researcher, China Institute of Sport Science; He Xiaotong is PhD Candidate, School of Population and Health, Renmin University of China; Yang Fan (Corresponding Author) is Professor, Center for Population and Development Studies, School of Population and Health, Renmin University of China. Email:yangfand@ruc.edu.cn


王富百慧, 何晓彤, 杨凡   

  • 作者简介:王富百慧,国家体育总局体育科学研究所研究员;何晓彤,中国人民大学人口与健康学院博士研究生;杨凡(通讯作者),中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心、人口与健康学院教授。电子邮箱:yangfand@ruc.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Using data from the China General Social Survey (CGSS), this study demonstrates that physical exercises could help narrow subjective and objective health disparities from famine experiences among middle-aged and older adults. The results reveal significant health differences among middle-aged and older adults with varying degrees of famine experience. Physical exercises significantly improve the health status of those who experienced the longest periods of famine. Compared to their counterparts who did not experience famine, middle-aged and older adults with famine experiences show more improvements in subjective and objective health conditions due to physical exercises. Furthermore, as participation in physical exercises increase, the health disparities of middle-aged and older adults with different degrees of famine experience tend to diminish. This physical exercises intervention effectively reduce health disparities caused by famine experiences among middle-aged and older populations. This study underscores the health promotion effects of physical exercises, advocates for the establishment of a life-course-oriented physical activity service model, the implementation of a comprehensive support strategy for “proactive health,” and the exploration into a framework for the coordinated development of “exercise, medicine, and nutrition.”

Keywords: Physical Exercises, Health of Older Adults, Famine Experience

摘要: 使用中国综合社会调查(CGSS)数据,证明了体育锻炼对饥荒经历引起的中老年期主观和客观健康差异均具有弥合作用。研究发现:具有不同程度饥荒经历的中老年群体存在显著的健康差异;体育锻炼对经历饥荒时间最长的中老年人的健康状况具有显著的改善作用;相对于未经历饥荒的中老年人,参与体育锻炼对具有饥荒经历的中老年人的主观和客观健康状况的改善效应更明显,且随着体育锻炼参与频率的提高,具有不同程度饥荒经历的中老年群体的健康状况逐渐趋于收敛。体育锻炼这一干预措施能有效改善由饥荒经历导致的中老年群体间健康差异。应重视体育锻炼的健康促进效应,建立基于全生命周期的体育服务模式和“主动健康”综合支持策略,积极探索“体-医-养”协同发展框架。

关键词: 体育锻炼, 中老年健康, 饥荒经历