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Ethnic Identity of Children from Interethnic Marriage Families and Its Impact on Ethnic Population Changes
Wang Li, Zhou Siyao
Population Research    2024, 48 (3): 65-80.  
Abstract165)      PDF (3728KB)(18)       Save
This article presents a matrix to analyze the ethnic identity of children from interethnic marriage families. Based on the population balance equation, this study uses individual level data from the seventh national population census to estimate the net effects of ethnic identity on the population change between 2010 and 2020 and examine the preferences among different ethnic groups. An increase of approximately 8.57 million children were from interethnic marriage families over the decade, with nearly 40% of the ethnic minority increase experiencing ethnic identity choices. The size of net population increase due to ethnic identity choices of the ethnic minority was about 1.95 million, accounting for about one-tenth of the increase in the ethnic minority population. For children from Han-minority intermarriage families, about 79.33% had ethnic minority identity. The population changes among different minority groups were mainly driven by the sizes and preferences of children from Han-minority intermarriage families. There were variations in interethnic preference among different interethnic marriage circles.
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The Prospect and Shape of Family Multi-generational Relationship Network in China: Based on the Analysis of Six Typical Families
Wu Fan, Wang Lin
Population Research    2021, 45 (4): 36-53.  
Abstract842)      PDF (15058KB)(259)       Save
China is at the late stage of modernization with rapid population ageing, in which multigenerational relationship family network has become normal. Multigeneration relationship family network has a richer meaning than the tradition definition of family, and is also functionally important. Based on the social network analysis, six typical families are studied. It is found that the physical space and virtual space of family network are overlapped, and the spatial dispersion does not cause the psychological separation among family members. The multigenerational relationship of family demonstrates a variety of network types including complete solidarity, double axis solidarity, basic solidarity, partial solidarity, and differentiation. The content and direction of family intergenerational support are diversified. The flow direction and amount of different resource types are dissimilar, and the center of family relationship network and the connection mode among generations are also different. The reciprocity of family intergenerational relationship does not happen immediately, and the reciprocity would be more meaningful when it spans over individual life cycle and family life cycle.
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Family Care Arrangements and Policy Needs of Preschool Children in China: An Analysis Based on Multiple Data Sources
Wu Fan,Wang Lin
Population Research    2017, 41 (6): 71-83.  
Abstract544)      PDF (1359KB)(1447)       Save
Based on multiple survey data, the paper analyzes the situations and characteristics of family care arrangements for children aged 0~5 in China. Conducted by different organizations between 2010 2014, the multiple surveys show high childcare deficits, heavy burdens of mothers, imbalanced responsibility between motherhood and fatherhood, and a high proportion of childcare by grandparents. These problems not only directly affect the healthy growth of children, women??s employment and development, and the quality of family life, but also affect the implementation of the two-child policy. One of the key reasons of these problems is the lack of institutional support for childcare, particularly the shortage of formal care for children under age 3. “Work-family” balance has become a universal and rigid social needs. From a macro point of view, childcare is a necessary condition for population reproduction. From the perspective of family policy, it is necessary to extend the paternity leave and parental leave, to develop formal care agencies for children aged 0 ~ 3, and to promote the balance of workfamily for childcare givers.
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Population with Internal Separation of Registered and Actual Residences in Beijing:An Analysis of Household Registration Data
Wang Li
Population Research    2011, 35 (2): 94-104.  
Abstract1854)      PDF (232KB)(1739)       Save
This paper analyzes characteristics and patterns of the population with internal separation of registered and actual residences of Beijing in 2010 using the household registration data.The urban function extended districts and the new districts of urban development are the major places of residence for the population.While sex structure of the population is largely balanced,it is dominated by young and middle-aged people.Inter-district/county separation of registered and actual residences is the majority,with registered and actual residences typically being the neighboring districts.There are adverse consequences for household registration administration and community administration resulting from the increasing population separated from their registered places.Special efforts are needed to collect information of population in actual residences on a regular basis.The paper concludes with discussion on policy suggestions dealing with the problem.
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Scanning the Choice of National Population Policy of China from World Population During a Hundred Years (1950 - 2050)
Wu Cangping, Wang Lin, Miao Ruifeng
Population Research    2003, 27 (4): 6-12.  
Abstract1094)      PDF (551KB)(1124)       Save
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Cited: Baidu(9)
Management of the Temporary Urban Residents in the Context of Socialist Market Economy in China
Wang Liying
Population Research    1996, 20 (4): 12-19.  
Abstract1480)      PDF (2777KB)(889)       Save
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