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Maternal Preferences for Infant Care in the Era of Promoting the Availability of Child Care Resources:A Best-Worst Scaling Analysis
Gao Chenzhuo, Yang Xueyan, Li Hua
Population Research    2022, 46 (5): 48-62.  
Abstract551)      PDF (1217KB)(492)       Save
When policymakers design child care policies, it is important to know maternal preferences for child care. Based on survey data collected in Nanjing, Wuhan, and Xi'an city, this research uses Best-Worst Scaling to explore maternal preferences for infant care. Results show that non-parental care is commonly used by mothers when they raise young children. There is a high demand for child care services. Mothers place more value on quality-oriented child care characteristics than practical-oriented child care characteristics. They believe that the most important characteristic of child care is to create a safe and loving caring environment. Maternal preferences for child care characteristics are significantly related to their child care choices. Mothers who value the accessibility of child care resources and caregivers' skills of early education and feeding tend to choose child care services. Thus, policymakers should pay more attention to both the quantity and quality of child care resources.
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Child Care and the Desire to Have the Second Child
Li Wanxin, Yang Xiaojun, Yang Xueyan
Population Research    2021, 45 (5): 64-78.  
Abstract1076)      PDF (1492KB)(280)       Save
In the context of the universal two-child policy, this paper investigates the impact of grandparent care and formal childcare on fertility desire of secondchild based on the national fertility survey conducted in 2017. Using binary logistic regression and propensity score matching methods, we find that both of the two childcare modes have significant effects on the fertility desire of secondchild but their influencing directions are opposite: the grandparent care significantly increases the propensity to have the second child, while the formal childcare has a negative impact. Further study shows that the number of kindergartens per capita in prefecturelevel cities plays a positive moderating effect, weakening the role of formal childcare in reducing the fertility desire, while the average childcare costs in prefecturelevel cities play a negative moderating effect, strengthening the negative effect of formal childcare on fertility desire of the second child. Therefore, this paper suggests that increasing the supply of affordable public childcare services is the most effective policy to increase the fertility desire to have a second child.
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Hierarchy and Structure of Policy Needs for Childcare in the Era of Low-Fertility:An Empirical Analysis Based on Survey Data from Xi'an City
Yang Xueyan, Gao Chenzhuo, Jing Wen
Population Research    2021, 45 (1): 19-35.  
Abstract776)      PDF (2184KB)(382)       Save
Based on the survey data collected from people at childbearing age in Xi'an city, this research analyzes the hierarchy and structure of policy needs for childcare. Results show that childcare services and tax deduction for people having a second child are at the first and second levels of policy needs, respectively. For people with different numbers of children, the levels of policy needs for child-rearing guidance, cash benefits for people having a second child, extended paternity leave and extended maternity leave also differ. More than half of the respondents have high demands for various childcare policy supports. There are six types of policy needs for child care: high demand for all policies, demand for childcare services, demand for financial aids and parental leave, demand for financial aids and childcare services, demand for parental leave and childcare services, and low demand for all policies. Policy needs for childcare are affected by individual attributes and family characteristics. Policy makers should design childcare policies based on policy needs of people at childbearing age.
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Parental Preferences for Childcare Services for Children under Age 3 in Urban China: A Choice Experiment Approach
Gao Chenzhuo, Yang Xueyan, and Jing Wen
Population Research    2020, 44 (1): 85-98.  
Abstract716)      PDF (298KB)(956)       Save
Based on choice experiment data of 464 parents in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this research analyzes parental preferences and willingness to pay for childcare services for children under age 3. The results show that, with assistance from grandparents, young couples are the main childcare providers in most urban families. Families have to take the heavy burden of raising very young children due to the lack of public childcare services. In the choice experiment, parents prefer to purchase childcare services and tend to choose those providing early education, offering flexible service hours, supported by the government, equipped with video monitoring, but also charging low prices and locating in short distances. The willingness to pay for video monitoring is the highest, followed by service contents, type of childcare centers, service hours and distance from home. According to these demands, we suggest that childcare services should focus on improving quality, integrating childcare and education, providing general welfare and community services.
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New Features and Influencing Mechanisms of Migrant Long-term Residence Tendency
Yang Xue,Wei Hongying
Population Research    2017, 41 (5): 63-73.  
Abstract677)      PDF (155KB)(1337)       Save
         Based on the dynamic monitoring data collected by the National Health and Family Planning Commission on floating population in 2015this paper applies logistic regression model to analyze migrant long-term residence tendency in citiesThe results show that migrant long-term residence tendency is influenced by their demographichuman capitaland economic characteristicsthrough which this migrant group has demonstrated a new feature of differentiationImprovement of education enhances individuals long-term residence tendencyJunior college education being the dividing pointthe higher educated migrants present a stronger tendency of residenceThe increase of income level has a significantly effect on the residential preference of the entire groupIncome of 6000 yuan being the dividing pointthe high-income group of migrants have a stronger long-term residence tendency than the low-income groupWhen added into the model the housing expenditurethe increased housing expenditure elevates migrant residential preferenceHoweverit also has a negative effect on the residential preference of the high-income group
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Governance of Imbalanced Sex Ratio and the Reference to China of the Asian Countries or Regions Featured with Female Dearth
Wei Yan, Li Shuzhuo, Yang Xueyan
Population Research    2009, 33 (1): 91-103.  
Abstract33094)      PDF (294KB)(11003)       Save
Using special survey data of four Asian countries and regions (Korea, Taiwan, India and Pakistan) which are featured with female dearth and related research fruits, this article compares the trends, causes and consequences of the unbalanced sex ratio between the four countries and regions, and introduces the direct governance measures, the endeavors to cultural and institutional changes, and the campaigns and public governance of improving the girls’ living environment and the women’s social position. Finally the article summarizes their experiences and models, providing China with references and intervention strategies for the governance of the unbalanced sex ratio.
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