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When Fertility Support Policies are Effective? Gender Equality, the Combination of Fertility Support Policies, and the Rebound of Total Fertility Rate in 27 Countries
Zhang Yang, Li Lingchun
Population Research    2023, 47 (4): 3-19.  
Abstract1241)      PDF (13910KB)(509)       Save
China has witnessed a low total fertility rate for decades; thus, it is imperative to build a fertility support policy system based on the experience of other lowfertility countries. Drawing on a constructed longitudinal dataset, we investigate the associations of different fertility support policy combinations with a fertility rebound and the moderating effects of gender equality on these associations. We find that policy combinations supporting the dualearners model are more conducive to fertility rebound, compared to those supporting the malebreadwinner model. Economic support policies have a stable positive relationship with the total fertility rate, while the effects of service and time support policies are contingent upon gender equality. Specifically, the effects of service and time support policies are more pronounced with higher levels of gender equality. These findings suggest that we need to consider the coordination and combination of different types of fertility policies, and rethink the value orientation and social background behind the policies, and promote a genderfriendly social environment.
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Reflecting on Birth Statistics Construction in China Based on the Birth Medical Certificates
Zhao Li,Fan Yanjun,Wang Yuanyuan,Zhang Yanan
Population Research    2019, 43 (3): 57-64.  
Abstract342)      PDF (1017KB)(333)       Save
Newborns are the key of maternal and child health care, national health management, and population statistics. It is of great significance for national population management and comprehensive social governance to promote the construction of basic information database of newborns. It has also been listed as one of the key contents of the National Population Development Plan (2016-2030).With the gradual improvement of management and informatization of birth medical certificates in China, the birth medical certificate system has become an increasingly important source for timely and accurate access to the basic information of newborns. Through comparing the differences of birth population statistics and methods from various departments and reviewing the history and policies of birth registration and birth medical certificates management, this paper analyzes the current situations of birth population statistics and existing problems during the informatization process. We then put forward some suggestions to improve the quality of birth population statistics in China based on the birth medical certificate information system.
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Impacts of Infant Death Under-reporting on Life Expectancy and Their Regional Disparities
Song Jian,Zhang Yang
Population Research    2015, 39 (3): 18-33.  
Abstract1681)      PDF (2225KB)(1250)       Save
The under-reporting of infant death undermines the accuracy of the infant mortality rate and life expectancy. Based on China’s 2010 national population census data, this paper analyzes the impact of infant death under-reporting on life expectancy from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. Cluster analysis and spatial autocorrelation analysis have been conducted to explore the regional disparities of both the under-reporting rate of infant death and its influence on life expectancy. The results show that the lower the overall mortality rate is, the more the change of life expectancy caused by the change of infant mortality. The extent of the impact on life expectancy of infant mortality depends mostly on its under-reporting level, the higher the level, the larger the impact. There are significant regional disparities of the impact of infant death under-reporting on life expectancy. The life expectancy is more sensitive to the fluctuation of infant death under-reporting in western and southwestern China. Moreover, there is no global bivariate spatial correlation between mortality level and the likelihood index of infant death under-reporting, but there are some significant local agglomerations and the spatial patterns are similar by gender.
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Family Types and Family Well-being: The Case of Beijing
Song Jian, Zhang Yang, Wang Jingfeng
Population Research    2014, 38 (5): 17-.  
Abstract1350)      PDF (575KB)(1498)       Save
There is much controversy over definition and measurement of family well-being,challenging the government’s effort to construct happy families.Based on the sampling survey data in Beijing in 2014,this paper explores the significant differences in family well-being among various family types and the possible determinants of family well-being.Taking families as the analysis unit,the paper constructs the standardized scores of family well-being and summarizes relevant variables into 7 factors as control variables.The results show that all sample families are moderately happy,and compared to the intact families,those that are sectional have statistically significantly lower scores of family well-being.However,MLRmodel denies the effect of family type on family well-being and admits the roles of member relationship factor,security level factor and spousal relationship factor.
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Growth Curve Trajectories of Elderly People's Health Indicators in China: Cohort Variations and Rural-urban Disparities
Li Ting; Zhang Yanlong
Population Research    2014, 38 (2): 18-35.  
Abstract1896)      PDF (814KB)(2547)       Save
Understanding the changing patterns of the health indicators of older population and the influencing factors is important for correctly estimating the healthcare burden and promoting the life quality for older population. Previous studies based on cross-sectional or single birth cohort data cannot distinguish or control the cohort effects,which may lead to biased estimation of the trend. Using the multi-cohort data of Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey ( CLHLS ( 1998—2011) ) ,this study investigates the growth curve trajectories of older people's self-rated health,Activities of Daily Living ( ADL) ,psychological wellbeing,and cognitive score; and explores their rural-urban disparities with full consideration of the cohort effects. The results suggest that the changing patterns of these health indicators and their population disparities are closely related to the cohort variations: ( 1) without controlling
the cohort effects,the estimation of age patterns would be biased; ( 2) there are cohort variations among the health trajectories; ( 3) within the same cohort,urban and rural elderly show significant differences in all of the health indicators; and ( 4) such differences in ADL and psychological wellbeing
change with cohort.
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Quantifying Economic Contribution of the Floating Population in the Cities
Ma Xiaowei, Zhang Yan
Population Research    2004, 28 (4): 63-67.  
Abstract1087)      PDF (157KB)(1563)       Save
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