人口研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2): 83-92.

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  1. 1 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济研究所;2 北京大学社会学系
  • 出版日期:2013-03-29 发布日期:2013-05-26
  • 通讯作者: houhl@cass.org.cn
  • 作者简介:1 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济研究所副研究员;北京大学社会学系博士研究生
  • 基金资助:


Gradient Urbanization: Community Type and Residential Housing of Migrants

Hou Huili1, Li Chunhua2   

  1. 1 Institution of Population and Labor Economic,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;2 Department of Sociology,Peking University
  • Online:2013-03-29 Published:2013-05-26
  • Contact: houhl@cass.org.cn
  • About author:1 Associate Professor,Institution of Population and Labor Economic,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;2 PhD Candidate,Department of Sociology,Peking University

摘要: 文章从居委会社区和村委会社区两种不同的社区结构出发,分析流动人口的居住选择和住房状况。研究发现具有工作不稳定、自雇者、家庭户流动特征的流动人口更可能选择居住在村委会社区。不同的居住社区中,影响流动人口居住条件的因素也不同,对居委会社区的流动人口住房状况影响较明显的因素是收入,而对在村委会社区居住的流动人口住房状况影响明显的因素是流动方式和住房用途。流动人口对不同居住社区的选择及住房状况的影响因素对城市化进程具有一定涵义:流动人口的城市化进程不是一个整齐划一的一蹴而就的过程,这两种不同社区的住房供应模式有助于稳定性不同的、就业特征不同的流动人口从进入城市开始逐步内化到城市的生产和生活当中,完成城市化的过程。

关键词: 城市化, 社区类型, 流动人口, 居住选择

Abstract: This  paper analyses  how community  type ,urban  and  rural  residential committees ,affects choice of  residence of  migrants and compares housing conditions between the two types of communities. Migrants who are self - employed ,who are wholesale and retail workers and who are temporarily employed pre- fer to living in the rural  community. Income is the important factor  affecting housing conditions for migrants living in the urban community ,while migration pattern and housing purpose are the significant determinants of  living conditions for migrants living in the rural community. Two types of communities with different hous- ing  supply  patterns contribute differently  in integrating migrants with  different  stability  and different employment  characteristics into urban life ,which have important  implications for urbanization.

Keywords: Gradient Urbanization, Community Type, Floating Population, Housing Patterns and Conditions