人口研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2): 66-72.

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  1. 华中科技大学社会学系,武汉 430074
  • 出版日期:2013-03-29 发布日期:2013-05-26
  • 通讯作者: shirenbing@163.com
  • 作者简介:华中科技大学社会学系教授

Changing Patterns of Sex Ratio at Birth in China:A Comparative Analysis of Data from the Fifth and Sixth Censuses of China

Shi Renbing   

  1. Huazhong University of Science and Technology.Wuhan 430074
  • Online:2013-03-29 Published:2013-05-26
  • Contact: shirenbing@163.com
  • About author:Professor,Department of Sociology,Huazhong University of Science and Technology

摘要: 通过"五普"和"六普"数据对比分析发现,2010年与2000年相比,我国出生性别比的变化呈现"五升高"、"四缩小"和"一增多"的特点:全国出生性别比继续升高、一孩出生性别比升高、城市出生性别比升高、少数民族出生性别比升高、各类受教育程度女性生育孩子性别比全面升高;出生性别比的地区间差距缩小、城乡间差距缩小、汉族和少数民族之间差距缩小、孩次之间差距缩小;出生性别比严重偏高和极端严重偏高的省市区增多。上述特点表明,过去10年,我国高出生性别比出现了四个方面的"扩散"迹象:从汉族向少数民族扩散、从乡村向城市扩散、从高孩次向低孩次扩散、从受教育程度低的妇女向受教育程度高的妇女扩散。鉴于此,建议我国降低出生性别比的工作应该"控高"与"防扩"并重。

关键词: “五普”, “六普”, 出生性别比

Abstract: Using data from the 2000  and 2010  censuses ,this  paper  examines  changing  patterns  of  sex ratio at birth ( SRB) in China. The two censuses documented increasing SRBs at first parity ,in urban are as ,for  minority  ethnic  groups ,and  at  all  educational  levels ; lessening  gaps  across  the  provinces ,between urban and  rural  areas ,between  the  Han  and  ethnic  minorities ,and  between  birth  orders ; and  increasing number of provinces subject to highly and extremely abnormal SRB. The observed changing patterns of China ’s SRB suggest that in the past 10  years ,high SRB has spread from the Han nationality to ethnic minorities ,from the countryside to the cities ,from the higher birth order to the lower birth order ,from lower education to the highly educated women. 

Keywords: The Fifth Population Census of China , The Sixth Population Census of China, Sex Ratio at Birth