人口研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (2): 117-128.

• 人口与社会 • 上一篇    



  1. 陈宁1,郑州大学政治与公共管理学院讲师; 高卫星2(通讯作者),郑州大学政治与公共管理学院教授;陆薇3,河南卫生健康干部学院助教;张原震4,河南卫生健康干部学院教授。
  • 出版日期:2022-03-29 发布日期:2022-04-15
  • 作者简介:陈宁,郑州大学政治与公共管理学院讲师; 高卫星(通讯作者),郑州大学政治与公共管理学院教授;陆薇,河南卫生健康干部学院助教;张原震,河南卫生健康干部学院教授。
  • 基金资助:
    本研究得到国家社会科学基金青年项目“全面二孩背景下妇女生育率的群体差异与政策供给精准化研究”(20CRK023)、中国博士后科学基金面上项目“全面二孩政策下妇女生育率的群体差异及其形成机制研究” (2020M682319) 和郑州大学人文社会科学优秀青年科研团队培育项目(2020-QNTD-04)的资助。

Development Constraints, Policy Needs, and Governance Orientations of Childcare Institutions:An Analysis Based on Survey Data of 2679 Childcare Institutions in Henan Province

Chen Ning1,Gao Weixing2,Lu Wei3,Zhang Yuanzhen4   

  1. Chen Ning1, School of Politics and Public Administration, Zhengzhou University; Gao Weixing2(Corresponding Author), School of Politics and Public Administration, Zhengzhou University; Lu Wei3, Henan Health Cadre College; Zhang Yuanzhen4, Henan Health Cadre College.
  • Online:2022-03-29 Published:2022-04-15
  • About author:Chen Ning, School of Politics and Public Administration, Zhengzhou University; Gao Weixing(Corresponding Author), School of Politics and Public Administration, Zhengzhou University; Lu Wei, Henan Health Cadre College; Zhang Yuanzhen, Henan Health Cadre College.

摘要: 婴幼儿托育机构是生育支持政策体系的重要支撑。以2021年河南省托育机构调查数据为基础,从供给数量、结构、质量和效益4个要素出发,对托育机构发展过程中出现的增速快但托位空置率高、保教师资队伍整体水平不高、优惠政策落地见效难、标准化体系建设滞后、协同管理机制不畅等突出问题进行分析。为解决托育机构的发展瓶颈从影响机构发展的内生性和外部性因素同时入手,围绕资金设施、人才供给、服务标准、公共政策支持、行业治理规范以及托育社会环境等方面回应托育机构的政策需求。为使托育机构更好地满足社会托育需求,政府应从调节供给结构、支持嵌入社区、构建托育券制度等方面发力,促进托育机构的可持续发展。

关键词: 托育机构, 发展瓶颈, 政策需求, 治理取向, 托育服务

Abstract: Childcare institution is an important pillar for the childbearing support system. Based on the survey data of childcare institutions in Henan Province in 2021 and an analytical framework of supply quantity, structure, quality, and efficiency, this research analyzes the major problems in the development of childcare institutions: high childcare bed vacancy rate, low professional level of teachers, difficulties in the implementation of preferential policies, lagging construction of standardization system, and the lack of highquality collaboration and management. To improve the development of childcare institutions, both endogenous and external factors are investigated. Specifically, the analysis focuses on the capital and hardware, talent supply, service standards, public policy support, industry governance norms, and the construction of social environment of childcare. We suggest that, to meet the needs of social care, the government should adjust the supply structure, support childcare services to embed in the community, and build a childcare voucher system.