Population Research ›› 2015, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (2): 78-90.

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Do Skip-Generation Raising and Intergenerational Transfer Lead to Early Retirement of Parents?An Empirical Analysis Using CHARLS Data

He Yuan1Wang Yipan2   

  1. Intersdisciplinary Center for Social and Behavioral Studies, Center for Industrial and Business Organization, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian 116025
  • Online:2015-03-29 Published:2015-08-04
  • About author:1 PhD Candidate, Intersdisciplinary Center for Social and Behavioral Studies, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics;2 PhD Candidate, Center for Industrial and Business Organization, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics



  1. 东北财经大学社会与行为跨学科研究中心、产 业组织与企业组织研究中心,大连 116025
  • 作者简介:1 东北财经大学社会与行为跨学科研究中心博士研究生;2 东北财经大学产业组织与企业组织研究中心博士研究生

Abstract: This paper explores how skip-generation raising and intergenerational transferring affect the individual’s retirement decision by survival analysis using CHARLS data. The major findings are as follows. Firstly, individuals postpone the timing of retirement responding to the intergenerational transfers from their children, and this influence is stronger if the agent is poorer. Secondly, individuals retire earlier when they need to take care of their grandchildren. Thirdly, comparing with time effect, economic effect is a more important factor causing people to delay their retirement age. Therefore, skip-generation raising leads to early retirement of the individuals, while they continue to work even if they can gain old-age support from children. They help their children looking after the next generation when are pretty well off. We suggest that governments increase investment on education of the pre-school children, and provide incentives to children in supporting their elderly parents, thus improving the elderly welfare and helping relieve the pressure of population ageing.

Keywords: Skip-generation Raising, Intergenerational Transfer, Retirement Decision

摘要: 文章基于CHARLS数据利用生存分析方法,探析了隔代抚育与子女养老对微观个体退休时机决策的影响。结果发现:(1)与传统认识不同,子女对主体进行净转移会延迟主体的退休时间,在主体经济条件不好时延迟效应增强;(2)与其他主体相比,需要照顾孙辈的主体倾向于提早退休;(3)综合考虑经济效应和时间效应,经济效应是造成主体延迟退休的最主要因素。因此,隔代抚育会提前主体退休年龄,而子女养老不会减弱主体的工作意愿,主体会在衣食无忧的前提下,帮助子女分担抚育孙辈的压力。未来政府应加大对学前儿童教育的投入力度,同时创造条件鼓励子女养老,可有效改善老年人福利水平,并缓解老龄化带来的社会养老保障压力。

关键词: 隔代抚育, 代际转移, 退休决策